World's Fair Information Manual

Wisconsin, State of
Lt. Gov. Jack B. Olson, Chairman
Wisconsin World's Fair Commission
Executive Chambers
Madison, Wisconsin
606 AL 6-4411
Mr. Michael Pender
December 5, 1963
Block 40; Lot 1
State Area
59,336 sq. ft.
John W. Steinmann
Monticello, Wisconsin
608 WI 8-4313
Edgar Tafel Associates
14 East 11th Street
New York 3, New York
OR 3-1688
Thatcher Construction Co.

SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual

The Wisconsin Pavilion features an outdoor theme and displays the state's assets from fishing to beer and from logging to cheese.

The Wisconsin Rotunda is a glass tepee-shaped building significant of the state's Indian lore background. The rotunda is 48 feet in diameter and 46 feet high topped by a spire lettered "Wisconsin" which soars 80 feet above the grounds. This uniquely designed building features evergreens and waterfalls which make the rotunda a place of beauty. It also features the official state exhibit and displays by the state department on Wisconsin's recreational, agricultural and industrial opportunities.

The Exhibit Pavilion, a rectangular building behind the rotunda, features displays of outstanding manufactured products shown in every manner and form blended together in individual themes with Wisconsin's vast recreational, agricultrual and industrial facilities.

A 17-ton Cheddar Cheese, said to be the world's largest cheese, is displayed to exemplify Wisconsin's role as the cheese manufacturing center of the nation.

A restaurant, decorated in a "Gay 90's" motif, features steaks, flame grilled to your individual taste. Included in the low-priced serve-yourself dinner is a salad, baked potato and garlic toasted roll.

Wisconsin's brewing industry is brought to the consumer in the form of the old-fashioned beer garden with the typical sawdust floor, chilled steins and banjo music. Bratwurst and Thueringer is on the menu with Milwaukee potato salad. Terraces furnish a place for outdoor dining near a reflecting pool where fly casting, retriever-dogs, Indian archery and log-rolling offer visitors a sample of Wisconsin's Fun. A trout stream stocked with trout awaits fishermen.

State of Wisconsin

Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965

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