1964 & 1965 Official Guidebook & Souvenir Map Entries

The description of this facility from the 1964 Official Guide Book

Cover- 1964 Guidebook

The description of this facility from the 1965 Official Guide Book

Cover - 1965 Guidebook

One of the Fair's permanent installations, this 800-boat marina is one of the largest on the East Coast. It is the port of call for boatmen cruising to the Fair, and the temrinal for commercial boat and hydrofoil lines from New York City and other nearby points.. Scheduled for display is one of New York City's new jet-powered fireboats. Evinrude Motors mantains a mail port and message center for boatmen, and Johnson Motors offers information on boating facilities around the world. In one building is a display presented by the Olympic Committee of the International Yacht Racing Association. the marina has a restuarant and coffee shop.
* Admission: free.
* Restaurant hours: 10 a.m. to 1 a.m.


Fairgoers can watch yachtsmen and small-boat buffs at work, and tour a Coast Guard exhibit.

One of the Fair's permanent installations, this 800-boat docking and mooring facility is among the largest on the East Coast. It also serves as a terminal for commercial charter craft and hydrofoils to and from New York City.

SHORE ESTABLISHMENTS. There are shops, a boat lift and restaurant, and displays by the U.S. Coast Guard and Evinrude and Johnson Motors. The Coast Guard shows radar and radio search equipment in action. Evinrude displays the world's fastest outboard motor and runs a message service for yachtsmen. Johnson features charts of North American coastlines and inland waterways, displays of motors and a hospitality service.

Admission: free.


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