- West Virginia, State of
- Mr. E. L. Montgomery
- Director, West Virginia Pavilion
- State Capitol
- Charleston 5, West Virginia
- 304 DI 3-4411
- May 3, 1962
- Arthur Venneri Co.
- West Field, New Jersey
- Block 35B; Lot 1
- State Area
- 34,409 sq. ft.
- Frederick P. Wiedersum Assoc.
- 10 Columbus Circle
- New York 19, New York
- JU 2-1540
- __and
- Irving Bowman
- Davidson Building
- Charleston, West Virginia
- 304 DI 4-2468
- Mr. Dave Ellies
- 799 West Goodale Blvd.
- Columbus 12, Ohio
- 614 221-4481
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The West Virginia Pavilion will feature a model community of the future-an industrial park complex with provisions for business opportunity, gracious living and recreation side by side. Fair visitors will be introduced to West Virginia as a land of relaxation-an inviting oasis in which to live, work and play on a year round basis.
- The pavilion is a modified L-shaped design, with a pergola-like extension providing an additional wing of landscaped garden area. Sculptured pre-cast panels and artistically-treated glass provide an unusual pattern of exterior wall treatment. The outer structure also features majestic full color views of West Virginia's leading scenic resorts. Five translucent domes rise above the roof to give further definition to the structure. A free form reflective pool envelopes three sides of the building. The pool is bridged by a gently inclined ramp which affords access to the pavilion. Adjacent to the main entrance, a towering sculptural symbol rises to a height of 50 feet and represents the aspirations of the people of West Virginia, through the development of industry, education and natural resources.
- The major areas of the pavilion include:
- An Information Rotunda: Themes depicting the State in all its major aspects, including the history, culture, government and educational institutions.
- An Industrial Park: Dramatic exhibits sponsored by West Virginia's leading industrial firms.
- West Virginia's Vacationland: The unspoiled natural preserve, with winter, spring, summer and fall activities for the entire family.
- Coal Mine: The visitor is taken on a trip through a West Virginia coal mine.
- A Gift Shop: A full line of souvenirs, fashioned by West Virginia's craftsmen, including stemware shown by Mrs. John F. Kennedy during her televised tour of the White House.
- An Astronomy Exhibit: (A Radio Astronomy Sky) Special effects interpret the meaning of the radio-telescope, explain its ability to "see", relate its impact upon the world of science today, and explore the significance of this magic "window of the universe". The exhibit incorporates a planetarium dome, dioramas, animation, motion pictures, sound, displays and other audio-visual techniques.
West Virginia
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965