
- In this tropical redwood building, guitarists, dancers and a number of other performers entertain, and there is an exhibit of classical and contemporary Venezuelan art. The walls are decorated with photographic panels of Venezuelan scenes. Souvenirs are for sale and leading businessmen are on hand to discuss commercial opportunities in the country.
- * Admission: free.
- DOCUMENTS OF THE LIBERATOR. Some of the most important manuscripts and belongings of Simon Bolivar, the South American liberator, are dramatically spotlighted in a dark room. In other side rooms are antique and modern jewelry.
- PERFORMERS FROM CARACAS. Live entertainment is offered from time to time in the main hall. Guitarist Aliro Diaz, pianist Judith Jaimes and contemporary dance groups are scheduled.
- ART NEW AND OLD. On the mezzanine is a collection of Venezuelan works, both old and new. Some of them are for sale.
- BUSINESS MEETINGS. Officials from Venezuela's commercial world answer questions from American businessmen.
- GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS. A small shop sells colored glass, cigars, costumed dolls, pottery and gold orchid pins.

Among the pavilion's features are guitar and dance recitals, memorabilia of Simon Bolivar and early and modern Venezuelan art.
The interior walls of this tropical redwood building are lined with colorful photographs depicting native scenes. Representatives of Venezuelan business are available to discuss local opportunities.
- DOCUMENTS. Important manuscripts by Simon Bolivar, liberator of five South American states, are dramatically displayed.
- WORKS OF ART. A collection of the nation's art works is on view. Some paintings are for sale.
- GIFTS. A shop sells glassware, handwoven blankets, cigars, straw baskets and souvenirs.
- ¶ Admission: free.