- Reflections from the wet pavement add to the brilliant glow of the Vatican pavilion at night. In addition to the famed "Pieta," visitors may view other priceless religious treasures.
- SOURCE: News Colorfoto by Edmund Peters, New York Sunday News, July 12, 1964
- Arms upraised, Pope Paul blessed crowds beneath the balcony of the Vatican pavilion at the World's Fair. He ended his prayer by simply saying, "Good-by."
- SOURCE: New York Sunday News, October 1965
- The Vatican Pavilion in early morning light. Opening day of the 1965 Season.
- The Vatican Pavilion at night from the roof of the New York State Pavilion
- Crowds throng to the Vatican Pavilion
- The Vatican Pavilion's Chapel of the Good Shepherd
- Statue of The Good Shepherd which adorned the alter area of the Chapel
- The tiara of Pope Paul VI as displayed during the 1965 Season of the Fair
- The replica of the Tomb of St. Peter, central exhibit in the Crypt area of the Pavilion
- His Holiness Pope Paul VI addresses the throngs from the balcony of the Vatican Pavilion
- SOURCE: (All Above) Official Guide Book, Vatican Pavilion New York World's Fair and the book Vattican Pavilion New York World's Fair 1964-1965 A Chronical