- Vatican Pavilion
- Mr. Clifford W. Golden
- Archdiocesan Building Commission
- 451 Madison Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- PL 9-1400
- October 19, 1962
- Jo Meilziner
- Stewart - Muller
- Block 34; Lot 1
- International Area
- 52,778 Sq. Ft.
- York and Sawyer
- Kiff, Colean, Voss & Souder
- 230 Park Avenue
- New York 17, New York
- MU 3-5700
- __and
- Hurley and Hughes
- 1860 Broadway
- New York 23, New York
- CI 5-3620
- __and
- Luders and Associates
- 18 Main Street
- Irvinton-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.
- 914 LY 1-8770
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- His Holiness, Pope John XXIII spoke from the Vatican via transatlantic cable at 3:00 A.M. (EST), Wednesday, October 31, 1962, to Mr. Moses and other Fair officials as well as dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church here in the United States, and the construction workers at the site of the Vatican Pavilion. By doing so, he gave the signal to start pile driving operations for the Holy See exhibit at the New York World's Fair.
- The Vatican Pavilion, surmounted by a lantern and a cross, will feature:
- The "Pieta" by Michelangelo;
- A Gallery of Michelangelo's works as an artist;
- A statue of "The Good Shepherd", an early Christian sculpture from the Catacombs;
- An exhibit of one-quarter life size color transparencies of the Sistine Chapel;
- A collection of Vatican coins.
- The exhibit area and the "Pieta" will be approached through an entrance sitated on the south side of the oval-shaped pavilion. Here will be a courtyard flanked by a winged wall 103 ft. in length and 60 ft. in height.
- A chapel, adaptable for multi-purpose use with a capacity for 350 people, will be located in the mezzanine, and will exhibit the statue of "The Good Shepherd".
- Also located on the mezzanine will be a large exhibit rotunda.
Vatican Pavilion
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965