"World’s Fair Report"

ORDER FORM (Print Out, Fill Out & Mail)


__ Tape One (Episodes 1, 2, 4 & 6)
__ Tape Two (Episodes 8, 9, 11 & 12)
__ Tape Three (Episodes 13, 16, 17 & 19)
__ Tape Four (Episodes 20, 23, 24 & 25)
__ Tape Five (Episodes 26, 27 & 29)
__ Tape Six (Episodes 30, 38, 39 & Un-numbered)
____ Number of Tapes Selected
$ ____

Amount Enclosed

Prices (include shipping):

    • $21 Each
    • $36 for a set of Two
    • $100 for all Six

Ship To Your Address (please print):


eMail Address

____ Check here if you would like information on additional tapes available for sale. (Be sure to provide your eMail Address in the space above).

Send Check or Money Order to:

    Fred Stern
    8714 21st Avenue
    Apt E5,
    Brooklyn, NY 11214

Each episode is 30 minutes in length. The episodes are filmed entirely in black and white. There is little in the way of "glitz." They are for the die-hard fan of the New York World’s Fair!