Sea Hunt
Source: T&T
Pavilion Newsletter, No. 30, March 5, 1964
- SET FOR "SEA HUNT" -- This is the stage
setting for the first live, underwater drama in history. In it
will be played some of the most dramatic sequences from "Sea
Hunt," the it television series. Presentation will take
place in the Transportation & Travel Pavilion.
- "SEA HUNT" AT T&T -- The hundreds of
millions of adults and children who have thrilled to the underwater
adventures of "Sea Hunt" on television will have the
opportunity to see some of the show's most exciting sequences
performed at the T&T Pavilion, live and underwater. Narrator
will be the star of the TV series -- Lloyd Bridges.
- WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE -- The "stage" for
this action show will actually be a swimming tank 36 feet wide
and 12 feet deep, designed by Buster Crabbe. It will be filled
with 40,000 gallons of water, a mixture of New York City's reservoir
water and tropical water transported from an island paradise.
According to producer John McKnight, the filtered combination
results in the clearest water on earth. Natural coral, real and
artificial seaweed, live tropical fish and an ancient Spanish
shipwreck will be "on stage" throughout the performances.
- "HIT OF THE FAIR" -- "Because the concept
is completely new, because the show is based on one of the biggest
TV hits and because our cast and story will be excellent, 'Sea
Hunt' will be the surprise hit of the Fair," says Mr. McKnight,
a former swimming champion. He has a record of success, having
produced the Flushing Meadow Amphitheater Show and having narrated
the Aquashow for eight years.
- PREVIEW -- The plot of this first underwater drama
is filled with action, including these spectacular events: a
beautiful girl fights for her life against an octopus ... on
opening day, April 22, the hero who rescues her discovers $2-million
in treasure in a shipwreck ... the villain tries to steal the
treasure, and the two men fight, far below the surface of the
sea. And these are only a few of the moments of high adventure.
- CONTINUOUS RUN -- Three separate casts, each with
one glamorous girl and two men, will make it possible to repeat
performances three times each hour. The theater will resemble
an underwater grotto. Admission will be low: 75c for adults and
25c for children.
Imperial '400' Motels
Source: T&T
Pavilion Newsletter, No. 33, March 25, 1964
- BUILDING WITHIN A BUILDING -- A full-size section
of a two-story motel is being built on the ground floor of the
Transportation & Travel Pavilion by Imperial '400' National,
Inc., the nation's fourth largest motel chain. "Through
this exhibit, millions of visitors will become familiar with
our motels and will be briefed on our locations, referral system,
accommodations, rates and hospitality," says Bernard Whitney,
president of the chain.
- MOSES MEETS MODEL MOTEL -- Fair President Robert Moses
(right) examines scaled-down version of full-size motel section
being erected in T&T by Imperial '400'. Bernard Whitney,
president of Imperial, and his wife look on.
- "HOME AWAY FROM HOME" -- The full-size motel
section will include a typical manager's apartment, bedroom and
a working reservation desk, reproduced in detail to indicate
the air of hospitality in Imperial '400' accommodations. Visitors
will be able to pinpoint the locations of these accommodations
on a large map; they will secure up-to-date directories; and
they will hear the company's story on earphones.
- SPECTACULAR GROWTH -- The story which T&T visitors
will hear is an impressive one. Imperial '400' opened its first
motel in California in July, 1960. Today, as it approaches its
fourth anniversary, the company has more than 100 motels in operation
or under construction in 34 states. Expansion plans call for
the opening of a new motel every ten days.
- ARISTOCRATS OF THE INDUSTRY -- How did the corporate
name evolve? Mr. Whitney explains that it was suggested by the
familiar reference to "the 400" of New York City's
Social Register. "But it has come to mean more than that,"
he says. "Today, the 400 represents the number of motels
we have set as our goal."
- HERE'S WHY -- The president attributes the company's
success to several factors: All its motels are in strategic downtown
areas...standard rates apply coast to coast, with advance reservations
free to guests...accommodations offer more than usual luxury...hospitality
is genuine.
Executive Concourse
Source: T&T
Pavilion Newsletter, No. 32, March 24, 1964 ... add appearing
in The Wall Street Journal
& Travel Pavilion, New York World's Fair
Memo to Management Men
FAIR 1964-1965*
- With the start of history's
greatest Fair just two months
- away, many corporations,
brokerage houses, banks and
- insurance companies are looking
for a gracious base of
- operations for business and
entertainment at the site.
- They are finding it in the
new Executive Concourse.
- It started
with exhibitors.
- They found their own pavilions could not
house the kind of luxurious office space they wanted for administration
and VIP entertainment.
- Then other companies began to see the once-in-a-generation
value of a "home office" at the Fair -- for playing
host to customers, special employees and friends at the biggest
show ever produced. (Advance ticket sales have already exceeded
$35 million, and paid advertising by the Fair and its exhibitors
is expected to top $150 million in 1964, alone.)
- All these companies saw the opportunity to
generate business and unique good will.
- To meet the need, a distinctive new section
has been added to the Fair's Transportation & Travel Pavilion
to house the Executive Concourse. The pavilion fronts on the
Grand Central Parkway, within easy reach of all exhibits.
- Concourse space will be available for occupancy
by April 1 in units from 200 square feet, divided to suit. Rental
costs will be moderate. The space will be serviced by excellent
restaurant and beverage catering facilities within the pavilion.
Luxurious conference rooms and lobby display panels will also
be available.
- Not least important, this space will offer
you the number-one prestige address for 1964 and 1965 -- Executive
Concourse, Transportation & Travel Pavilion, New York World's
Fair, New York, N. Y. 11380.
- * In the Transportation & Travel Pavilion
- If you should be interested in joining
such charter tenants as Shell Oil and Time Inc. in the Executive
Concourse, please direct your inquiry to Transportation &
Travel Pavilion, Inc., Time & Life Building, New York, N.Y.
10020 or call (212) CI 5-1968.
Reno - Lake Tahoe
Source: T&T
Pavilion Newsletter, No. 31, March 12, 1964
- RENO-LAKE TAHOE IN T&T -- One of the nation's
major resort areas, Reno and Lake Tahoe, will be represented
by a major exhibit in the Transportation & Travel Pavilion.
Not satisfied with the 6,500,000 tourists who visited or passed
through last year, Reno plans to use its World's Fair exhibit
to attract even more, according to Jud Allen, Chamber of Commerce
general manager.
- THE HYPHEN IS NEW -- The Reno-Lake Tahoe exhibit will
represent the first joint promotion by the two resorts, each
of which is famous in its own right. (Tahoe is 25 miles from
"The Biggest Little City in the World.") "Individually
they are great," says Mr. Allen, "but together they
offer vacationers the greatest variety of sports, recreation
and entertainment in the nation."
- STRESS ON FUN -- Reno-Lake Tahoe bills itself as the
second largest entertainment center in the U.S. -- in terms of
numbers of comics, personalities and bands. Not so well known
is the recreation: swimming, boating and other water sports...hunting
and fishing...skiing at areas like Squaw Valley...touring at
Carson City, the nation's smallest state capitol, and Virginia
City, its liveliest ghost town. Both aspects will be highlighted
in the T&T exhibit.
- VIP VISIT -- One of the early visitors to the Reno-Lake
Tahoe exhibit will be Nevada Governor Grant Sawyer. He will be
in New York not only to visit the Fair but also to extol his
state in connection with the 100th anniversary of its statehood.
Cruise Ship
Source: T&T
Pavilion Newsletter, No. 25, January 29, 1964
Number 25 |
January 29, 1964 |
- CRUISE SHIP LANDS IN T&T -- A gala cruise ship
at its most colorful port of call...moored to a pier lined with
treasure-filled stores...passengers relaxing on the breezy deck
and crossing the gangplank to shop. This entire scene will be
reproduced within the Transportation & Travel Pavilion by
the building sponsors.
many of the 17 million visitors to the pavilion, the tour of
the 99-foot section of a ship and the stores along the dock will
spark the idea to cruise the Seven Seas. For cruise and shipping
lines which want to translate this idea into action and sales,
information and display offices will be available on board, each
opening onto the deck. This space will be available at moderate
cost for the two years of the fair -- completed and ready for
- RETAILERS' PARADISE -- Visitors who window shop along
the pier will be looking for the value and the bargains for which
foreign cruise lands are famous...and some of the nation's leading
retailers will make certain that they find them. These shops
represent an ideal location for sellers of cruise wear, luggage,
native crafts, china, glass and other home furnishings. Several
shops are still available.
- MORE MAJOR NEWS COMING -- Announcements to be made
by T&T within the next few weeks will highlight a new Travel
Information Center and exhibits by the Navy, Marine Corps, Army,
Air Force and others. Topping off of the Pavilion will take place
next week, and the entire building will be ready for occupancy
by exhibitors by March 1.
Travel Information Center
Source: T&T
Pavilion Newsletter, No. 26, February 3, 1964
Number 26 |
February 3, 1964 |
-- "Where will we go on our next trip?" The 16 million
visitors to the Transportation & Travel Pavilion will find
countless answers to that question in the Hotel Reservation &
Travel Information Center sponsored by the Hotel Sales Management
Association. They will find these answers in the form of dazzling
color transparencies, maps, brochures and direct telephone connections
to some of the nation's most exciting vacation spots.
- "ONE STOP SHOPPING" -- The bright, modern
design of the Hotel Reservation & Travel Information Center
will encourage visitors to browse among the varied and exciting
exhibits. There they will get not only good ideas but also practical
information about places to go, things to do, services to use
and enjoy. In short, they will get a chance for one-stop shopping
for tourist attractions, vacation communities, resorts, hotels,
motor inns, local transportation services, credit services and
- LEADERS IN HOSPITALITY -- The sponsor of the Center,
the Hotel Sales Management Association, is made up of 2,000 hotel
and motel sales executives representing the leading institutions
in the U.S. and abroad. It is headed by Louis E. Rogers, of Miami's
- INVITATION -- "The Hotel Reservation & Travel
Information Center in the T&T Pavilion will be the most complete
and exciting ever produced," Mr. Rogers says. "It will
make it possible for millions of Americans and foreign visitors
to have fun while selecting trips for the future. We invite all
members of the travel industry to participate, and we know their
modest investment will be repaid many times over."
New York World's
Fair 1964-1965
See Allied Van Lines Exhibit
in the Transportation and Travel Pavilion.

Source: Postcard by Colourpicture
Publishers, Inc., Boston 30, Mass. U.S.A.
Program Cover
World of Ancient Gold
Exhibited in the T&T

Source: Presented courtesy
Mike Kraus Collection
Many thanks,
once again, to historian Eric Paddon for his contribution to
this on-line history of the Fair. My thanks (also once again)
to Bill Cotter, Gary Holmes and Mike Kraus who supplied photographs
and memorabilia for this presentation on the T&T Pavilion.
- Bill Young
- May 5, 2012