Source: Advertisement 1964 Official Guide, 1964-1965 New York World's Fair
Source: Advertisement 1965 Official Guide, 1964-1965 New York World's Fair
Source: Booklet,
TWA New York World's Fair Information
- The Transportation and Travel
Pavilion houses fascinating
displays of space travel, as well as the more unusual kind we
use on earth. The first floor of this pavilion is given over
entirely to the transportation and travel industry. At the TWA
exhibits flanking the main entrance, TWA will help you with travel
plans, your return trip, and give you any travel assistance you
wish. TWA's exhibit is an Official New York World's Fair Information
Center. TWA is also the "Official Air Carrier of the Transportation
and Travel Pavilion, New York World's Fair 1964-1965". The
second floor is devoted to a spectacular presentation of moon
exploration, fee 75c.
- At the TWA exhibit on the left
as you enter the Pavilion, TWA's part in developing air transport
is shown in a semi-circle of 14 glass "history pylons,"
with scale models of aircraft and legends describing the advance
of aviation.
To the right
as you enter the Pavilion you will see TWA's 30-foot model of
the composite design of the supersonic transport suspended from
the ceiling. The wall background simulates the upper atmosphere
in which it will fly.
- TWA's two exhibits in the Transportation
and Travel Pavilion, flanking the entrance to the two-level building,
tell the story of air transport and TWA's role in it -- yesterday,
today and tomorrow. The entrance to the Pavilion is across the
way from the General Motors Building.
Source: Photos
presented courtesy Bill Cotter Collection
Historic Aircraft Display in the T&T Pavilion. Above: TWA
Constellation; Below: TWA Douglas Aircraft.