- The Transportation and Travel Pavilion, designed
by architects Charles Luckman Associates for its site at the
heart of the Fair, will tell the story of "People and Products
on the Move" in dramatic terms. An estimated 4,000 people
per hour will begin in the highest of three floors (A), where
they will explore the subject of travel for fun in the Western
Hemisphere. On this floor and others, display areas are arranged
so each visitor will view every presentation. Thus, your exhibit
will be a memorable chapter in a vital and unified story. Visitors
will remember it better because they can never forget the experience
as a whole.
Enlarged floor
plans available on request. Minor variations in subject areas
may be made.
- 1-2 Introductory panels establishing
theme and putting all exhibits in perspective.
- 10 How to Get There: By passenger
- 3 Tentatively reserved for "Seven
Seas Theater," where visitors can tour the nation and world
through film and live presentations.
- 11-12 How to Get There: By domestic
- 4-6 Introductory panels by exhibitors,
Theme: Travel for Fun
- 13-14 How to Get There: By private
and corporate aircraft
- 7 Where to Go Exhibit. nations,
states, cities, resorts, hotels ... and more
- 8 Publications. The magazines,
newspaper sections and maps that show the way
- 16-18 Exhibitor story panels
- 9 How to Get There: By bus
- As visitors descend from Floor A to Floor
B of the T&T Pavilion, already caught up by the unfolding
story, their interest will be directed to travel in the world
at large. Just as they could dream, visualize and plan a Western
Hemisphere holiday on the floor above, here they can envision
and arrange for a trip anywhere else in the world. Where to
Go, How to Get There, What to Do When You Arrive ... these
are the ever-fascinating subjects that companies such as yours
will cover in detail on Floors A and B. The world is the subject
of the entire Fair. The subject of experiencing the world at
first hand will be focused here.
Enlarged floor
plans available on request. Minor variations in subject areas
may be made.
- 19 Space-Age lounge and refreshment
- 25 Pleasure marine. The whole
exciting story of the small boat industry
- 20 Where to Go Exhibit. nations,
cities, resorts, hotels, attractions, travel information services
... and more
- 26-27 Special automobile equipment
for outdoor holidays, camping and sports equipment
- 21 Queens of the Seas Exhibit
where steamship lines will tell the story of their routes, accommodations,
personnel and ports of call
- 28 Automobile service companies
and associations, major oil companies, accessory and equipment
manufacturers. Everything that makes modern automobile travel
fun, comfortable and efficient
- 22 Travel agents, international
railroads and bus and road information
- 29 Foreign and domestic automobiles
- 23-24 International airlines
exhibit, dramatizing the world-wide network of air routes and
the places they bring within reach; also foreign aircraft manufacturers
- Floor C of the T&T Pavilion will carry
the visitor from the exciting area of travel for pleasure into
the equally fascinating area of transportation for commerce and
industry ... and comfort and convenience. Here the private and
corporate motor vehicles, airplanes, freighters, trucks, freight
trains, materials handling system, trailer and countless other
transportation media will share the spotlight. Most important,
they will be dramatized to show their importance to everyone's
daily life.
- The unique arrangement of display areas in
the T&T Pavilion ... along a dramatic story line ... will
enable any company to gain forceful exposure in each area where
its exhibit will be effective and appropriate.
Enlarged floor
plans available on request. Minor variations in subject areas
may be made.
- 30 Major automobile exhibit.
An outstanding exhibit of one of America's great and advanced
automobile manufacturers
- 34 Materials handling equipment
- 31 Specialty automotive exhibit
- 35 Railroad freight services
- 32 Truck manufacturers, trucking
companies and truck equipment and accessory suppliers
- 36 Major aircraft manufacturers
and special exhibits
- 33 Tire manufacturing industry
- SOURCE: Sales Promotion
Booklet for the Transportation & Travel Pavilion