One man's love for his State, and that State's confidence in
him, is the prime reason that Texas will be represented at the
New York World's Fair.
It sounds incredible that this nation's most boastful State was
not going to be represented in the largest exposition ever
gathered together to show global progress. But it's a fact that
only 14 of our 50 States have individual pavilions and that 6
States have combined for a New England pavilion.
Angus Wynne, Jr. one of Texas' largest real estate developers
and President of the Great Southwest Corporation, was
stunned when he learned that State funds were not available to
construct a Texas exhibit.
Wynne, who had already contracted for 82,000 square feet in
the Lake Amusement Area for the construction of a $4,00,000
theatre, The Music Hall, to house a spectacular salute to
Broadway and its songs called "To Broadway With Love,"
offered to expand the area and personally underwrite the
construction of the Texas Pavilions.
When Governor John Connally accepted the offer, appointed
Wynne to head the Texas exhibit, which, though officially
representing the state, would be carried out under Wynne's
personal sponsorship as a private enterprise, a political storm
broke. Connally, confronted by criticism, scotched all the
scoofers with, "I hope the people of Texas understand that my
purpose is motivated only by a desire to see Texas represented
in the manner in which it should be at a World's Fair. I think
from his (Wynne's) experience at the Six Flags operation (one
of the largest and most successful amusement areas in the
World between Dallas and Fort Worth) and in light of what I
know of his planned operations at the Music Hall, that he has
the judgement and the people to handle the monumental task."
To date Wynne has proven the Governor right. The Texas
Pavilions will be covered, air-conditioned and heated, with
fountains and facilities depicting modern Texas with its
industrial aspects as well as tourist attractions. The exhibit will
show the contrasting elements that give Texas its fascinating
qualities, from the simple beauty of a longhorn steer to the
modern, mechanized complexity of a National Aeronautical
and Space Administration Exhibit.
Wynne claims his interest in presenting Texas as an industrial
state is a self-enlightened one, since the primary operation of
the Great Southwest Corporation is the industrial development
of 5,800 acres, formerly ranch and farm sites, now housing 70
corporations with more than 2,300,000 square feet of building
space. Included in this district are United States Steel,
Anaconda, Container Corporation of America, National Cash
Register, General Foods, Ozalid, Cummins Diesel, Vought
Electronics and Frito-Lay. The industrial district is serviced by
its own private railroad, which connects with the Texas and
Source: Texas Pavilions and Music Hall Press Release
Pacific and Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific major lines.
"Industry," Wynne claims, "is coming to Texas due to the
population explosion in major parts of the country. Texas has
a climate inducive to industrial health and a productive labor
force. Most people think in terms of cattle, not industry, that
is why it is so important to have Texas represented at the
World's Fair.
Wynne, who was commissioned an Ensign in the Naval reserve
in 1940, saw destroyer service in the Atlantic and Pacific and
was discharged in 1945 as a Lieutenant Commander. He
attended Washington and Lee University, was graduated from
the University of Texas and in addition to his Presidency of the
Great Southwest Corporation is Director and President of the
Great Southwest Railroad, Inc., Chairman of the Executive
Committee and director of the Great Southwest Warehouses,
Director of the Dallas Power & Light company and Director of
the Wynnewood State Bank.
Since taking on the sponsorship of his native State's Pavilions
Wynne's investment in the World's Fair has risen to over
$6,000,000. And yet, so certain is he of his state's
attractiveness, so sure is he that his will be a "fun pavilion" that
he never for an instance doubts the fact that his investment will
bring back a profit.
The message Texas wants to get across to the rest of the
world, and will at the New York World's Fair, is that Texas is a
fun place to be.
Randall Duell, who went from architecture to art director of
Metro Goldwyn Mayer and back to architecture, has worked
out the details in his sketches and though a bull will tell the
world that Texas is cattle country, though it will tell the world
that Texas is cattle country with style; it will tell it with a sense
of humor for that Black Angus bull will occupy the boudoir
that Duell first created for Hollywood and the motion picture
"Marie Antoinette".
The Texas Pavilions -- and it is plural -- will be surrounded by
fountains, flowers and trees out in Flushing Meadow, New
York. The $4,000,000 Music Hall Theatre will house a
spectacular salute to the songs that made Broadway musicals
the best in the world called "To Broadway With Love".
George Schaefer, producer of the Hallmark Hall of Fame will
present it and Morta Da Costa -- "Auntie Mame" and "Music
Man" -- stage and screen -- will direct it.
There will be a waterfront scene -- and a shrimp bar to
represent the Gulf Coast; the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration will be represented; there will be a Gateway
Source: Texas Pavilions and Music Hall Press Release
to Mexico with wandering minstrels, there will be a Frontier
Palace with shoot-outs and dancing girls--the kind whose
entertainment thrilled the early pioneers. Everything will be
done to remind you that Texas is not arid but a fun state.
Randall Duell, though the architect, admits that one of the most
important assets in proving this, cannot be put down to his
planning board. "The clean cut young people who'll work in
the Texas Pavilions will be the thing that impresses the people
from all over the world who will visit the World's Fair. We're
flying our hosts and hostesses in--400 college students--and
they will give the world a sample of Texas hospitality. All the
architect and art director can do is provide the setting.
And Duell has had plenty of experience in providing settings.
After years of practicing as an architect in California--he
planned the whole of Catalina Island, built a castle for
William K. Wrigley, designed the Times Building and planned
Boulder City-- he joined MGM as a designer and eventually art
director. Included in his motion picture credits are such screen
triumphs as "Romeo and Juliet", "Random Harvest" and
"Ninotchka". Credit him also with the Screen Directors'
Building in Hollywood, a great many Bel-Air estates and
Pleasure Island in Boston, Freedomland in New York and Six
Flags Over Texas -- the amusement area between Fort Worth
and Dallas, that has proven to be one of the outstanding fun
spots in the world.
Duell believes his years as a set designer sharpened his
architectural imagination; they certainly sharpened his pubic
relations sense for a prize Black Angus bull in a Louis XV
chamber, a chamber sumptuous enough for Marie Antoinette
on celluloid, is certain to get the message that Texas is certainly
a fun place across to the public.
Don't look for the Yellow Rose of Texas in the Texas
Pavilions at the New York World's Fair, for according to
Charles Suddath, director of planting and maintenance of the
Pavilions, the problems of cold winters and long transportation
have virtually ruled out all Texas plant life around the Texas
Landscape architect Suddath reported that there will be 400
trees more than 14 feet tall, 500 rose bushes and 15,000 small
plants on the three acre plot of the Texas Pavilions.
But the roses will be pink -- not yellow; they will not even be
Texas' Tyler roses because bare-root Arizona-grown roses are
hardier in northern climates. Even the pine trees in the area will
be northern white pines, purchased in New York. Though
mesquite trees are typically Texas, they were ruled out because
they rarely tolerate transplanting even in their home state.
Guests visiting the Texas Pavilions will see special exhibit areas
showing the industrial and economic growth of the new Texas.
They will view the six cultures of Texas-Spain, Mexico,
France, the Republic of Texas, the Confederacy and the
United States. They will be able to view the spectacularly lush
musical "To Broadway With Love" produced by George
Schaefer of Hallmark Hall of Fame and directed by Morton Da
Costa who staged "Auntie Mame" and "The Music Man" in
Source: Texas Pavilions and Music Hall Press Release
the sumptuous $4,000,000 Music Hall. They will be able to eat
in any of nine restaurants serving the different foods of Texas
including the Frontier Palace with its shoot-aways and dance
hall entertainers presenting the kind of show that thrilled the old
pioneers. This and more. But they will not be able to see the
Yellow Rose of Texas or any Texas flora.
IS A $4,000,000 THEATRE
Despite a life expectancy of only two years, a $4,000,000
theatre is being completed in Flushing Meadow, New York, to
house "To Broadway With Love," a show that will recreate a
hundred years of American songs as lavishly and spectacularly
as talent, money and the latest in electronic equipment will
Called the Music Hall, situated on 82,000 square feet in the
amusement area adjacent to the Texas Pavilions, it has been
designed for functional perfection backstage and in the
Though it seats 2,600 people, due to its 184 foot wide stage
(3700 square feet larger than the Radio City Music Hall), no
seat will be more than 100 feet from the center of action. The
stage, set 50 feet from the floor, will include three revolving
platforms and 12 electrically controlled pylons. A large,
horseshoe-shaped runway, common in the Old American
music halls, will extend from the stage to encompass the
orchestra pit.
The fact that there is no proscenium, as such, will give the
Source: Texas Pavilions and Music Hall Press Release
Music Hall all the benefits of theatre-in-the-round, without any
of the disadvantages. Perfect sight lines from any seat in the
theatre becomes an actual reality.
George Schaefer who produced "No Time for Sergeants"
among a score of Broadway hits, and who is currently
producer of TV's Hallmark Hall of Fame will produce "To
Broadway With Love," which will be directed by Morton
DaCosta, responsible for both the stage and screen versions of
"Auntie Mame" and "The Music Man."