
- This open-air stadium, which hold 15,000, is scheduled for a variety of events - U.S. Olympic trials, folk festivals, Judo and Karate exhibitions, and so on. It is paved in green macadam, has lights for night use, a movable stage 60 feet long and dressing room facilities for 200 performers. The Singer company has a series of displays under the grandstand: the latest in fashions and fabrics, do-it-yourself sewing projects an a representation of Singer products - not only sewing machines, but typewriters, vacuum cleaners and computing devices.
- * Admission: free.

Music festivals, sports events and variety shows are held in this open-air stadium seating 15,000.
Under the grandstand, the Singer Company exhibits the latest in fashions and do-it-yourself sewing projects. Sewing machines, typewriters, vacuum cleaners, TV sets, phonographs, computing devices and other products are on display.
¶ Admission: free.