"7-Up At The Fair"
A lot of 7-Up has gone over the counter at the 7-Up International
Sandwich Gardens since the World's Fair opened in April of 1964
-- some five million 9-ounce cups, to be exact!
. . . Not including some 100,000 7-Up "Floats,"
sold mainly during 1965!
Plus, of course, more than five and a half million cups sold
through World's Fair restaurants, bars, venders and concession
Total figures? We're too tired to count. No matter how you
slice your statistics, you will still come up with one big fact
. . .
Seven-Up was up front . . . up big . . . at the 1964-65 New
York World's Fair!
Production and delivery would have kept a good-size 7-Up bottling
plant busy for the 12-month run of the Fair. In fact, it required
the facilities of one of the biggest ones -- the 7-Up Bottling
Company of Brooklyn, who produced the 7-Up for the Seven-Up World's
Fair Associates. The six New York Metropolitan Area 7-Up Developers
in Brooklyn, N.Y., Norwalk, Conn., Hackensack, Plainfield, Newark
and Washington, N.J., joined with The Seven-Up Company in forming
the Seven-Up World's Fair Associates, which was designed to operate
the 7-Up International Sandwich Gardens.
All these facts are very fine -- and we don't want to minimize
them. But -- the sale of 7-Up at the World's Fair was actually
a secondary purpose for 7-Up participation.
We wanted . . .
- To establish 7-Up, both domestically and internationally,
as a major industrial force -- The 7-Up Company, its Canadian
and Export subsidiaries, and especially 7-Up Developers.
- To demonstrate the affinity of 7-Up for food . . .
through the medium of the unique trays of "International
- To sample potential 7-Up customers who would be retuning
to Developer territories all over the world.
- And to make all of us even prouder to be associated
with 7-Up.
Were we successful?
Or perhaps first -- since we depended on the Fair itself for
our visitors -- was the New York World's Fair a success?
It has been a very popular and convenient ploy for the press
to suggest that it was not. Yet more than 50 million people attended
in 12 months -- more people than have ever paid admission to
gather in one place over a similar period of time in the history
of the world.
We believe it was a great success -- but we'll let the World's
Fair stand on its record.
Ben Wells plays a Bunyanesque role
as he places a scale model of the newly designed 7-Up International
Sandwich Gardens structure in its proper location on the large
model of the New York World's Fair in early 1963. Observing the
symbolic event are (from the left) John Furnas, then general manager
of the 7-Up International Sandwich Gardens, Martin Stone, Fair
executive in charge of industrial exhibits, and Seven-Up Company
vice president D.J. O'Connell.
A Major Industrial Force, Domestically and Internationally . .
We doubt if one of the 50 million people attending the World's
Fair missed seeing the International Sandwich Gardens. Spread
over 45,000 square feet of ground at the center of the Fair,
with its clock tower rising 107 feet into the sky, the 7-Up Sandwich
Gardens was a World's Fair landmark.
From the international sandwiches through the entertainment,
to the costumes of the waitresses, the international idea was
emphasized at every turn.
The very fact that 7-Up was there as a major participant --
alongside giants of industry and commerce -- spoke eloquently
for 7-Up and its stature in the business community.
According to the best estimates available, five million people
actually visited the Sandwich Gardens during the two seasons
of the Fair -- about 10% of the total Fair attendance. All this
against competition from 136 other exhibitors and 236 restaurant
or concession stand operations!
Affinity of 7-Up For Food . . .
Our main exhibit at the World's Fair was food . . .
served dramatically in the form of the international sandwiches
. . . and enhanced with cups of chilled 7-Up.
The 7-Up international sandwiches were, without question,
the most talked-about food item at the Fair. The budget prices
helped -- four sandwiches, plus garnishes and dessert, plus a
chance to sit in shaded comfort and be entertained by live musicians,
all for $1.50 plus tax!
But 7-Up and international sandwiches were not talked about
only by budget-minded families. Radio and TV stations, food editors,
columnists and food trade writers were captivated by the originality
and popularity of the international sandwiches. And they told
their listeners and readers about them.
Through one trade magazine spread on the Gardens, a luxury
motel owner was so captivated that he decided to open an "International
Sandwich Room" in his establishment -- with 7-Up and international
sandwiches featured prominently on the menu.
Seven-Up with food? It happened a million times at the 7-Up
International Sandwich Gardens.
Potential Customers . . .
Almost everyone attending the Fair had heard of 7-Up. And
nearly everyone had tasted it. But not everyone was a
regular user of 7-Up. "Seven-Up at the Fair" certainly
did its part in stamping out this evil!
More than 10 million 9-ounce cups of 7-Up were served at the
Gardens or at the Fair -- with each cup being consumed within
sight of the towering 7-Up Clock and the 7-Up International Sandwich
Gardens . . . 7-Up at its best.
Prouder to be Associated With 7-Up . . .
We are . . . and every 7-Up Developer who attended the World's
Fair is.
The 14,604 VIP guests of The Seven-Up Company and 7-Up Developers
at the 7-Up International Lounge were the best investment we
have ever made -- and the most vocal! Sophisticated businessmen,
politicians and foreign travelers went out of their way to praise
the hospitality they received at the International Lounge. It
was a true oasis from the summer heat and the press of surging
crowds, and was appreciated far beyond the actual investment
the 7-Up hosts made in time, effort or money. How many relationships
with key local, regional and national chain store accounts were
cemented through a visit to the 7-Up Lounge would be difficult
to measure -- but any estimated would probably prove to be low.
On October 17, 1965, the 7-Up International Sandwich Gardens
and the New York World's Fair closed their doors. We have posted
our banns before the world. Seven-Up is an international business
leader -- one of the world's most widely distributed and best
known products. We cannot back out of this contract.
Where the momentum of the World's Fair will carry us lies
with the future. But the image of 7-Up will be bigger and brighter
because of it.
World's Fair impresario Robert Moses
makes an inspection visit to the Gardens early in the 1965 season.
With him are John Furnas (not shown) and the 1965 acting general
manager, Dave Harding, who took over day-to-day responsibilities
after Furnas was assigned as Seven-Up Company regional sales manager
for the Metropolitan New York 7-Up Developers. Moses viewed many
new design innovations to accommodate ever-increasing traffic
flow to the 7-Up International Sandwich Gardens.
7up Leader, Volume VI No. 6, November/December 1965
Phenomenal at Fair!
The venerable 7-Up "Float," no longer featured
in nationally coordinated Seven-Up Company promotions, should
certainly not be written off the books by 7-Up Developers --
and certianly not written off the accounting books!
Added to the Gardens' fare in late 1964, 7-Up "Floats"
came into their own during 1965, with the majority of the 256,250
"Floats" being sold at 35c for a 16-oz. cup.
Despite the popularity of 7-Up "Floats,"
they were outsold by LIKE "Floats" -- by some 100,000