Artist's rendering of The Seven-Up
Pavilion which will feature twenty-four overhead shells and a
tower topped by a four-faced clock and a sphere bearing the Seven-Up
emblem. Designers Becker & Becker & Associates, Inc. conceived
the plans for this distinctive exhibit.
Excerpts of transcription of
remarks made by Seven-Up and World's Fair officials at Seven-Up
Ground Uniting Ceremonies, New York World's Fair, Wednesday,
May 15, 1963.
MR. MARTIN STONE [Director, Industrial
Section]: The Seven-Up Company has been through a long process
of preparation for this occasion and I see here many people who
have worked long and hard to make this possible -- particularly
the representatives of the J. Walter Thompson Co., Mr. Strouse
and his representatives, Mr. Jardine and Ted Royal, who initiated
these discussion in behalf of the Fair, and The Seven-Up Company.
We are most grateful to them for their help, encouragement and
advice. And for Seven-Up, Ben Wells, vice president of Sales
and Advertising; Howard Ridgway, vice president of The Seven-up
Company and president of The Seven-Up Export Corporation; John
Furnas; and of course, Nate Becker, who still has his job before
him. We thank them all for the long, sometimes difficult but
happy outcome of this occasion.
For the Fair I would simply like
to say that I have seldom been more impressed with any company
as I have been with The Seven-Up Company, particularly the integrity
and the desire to participate on a cooperative basis with the
Fair. I think Mr. Wells is a standard of Seven-Up's integrity.
I would like now to introduce the vice president in charge of
Sales and Advertising of The Seven-Up Company, Mr. Ben Wells.
Howard Ridgway, vice president of The Seven-Up Company and president
of The Seven-Up Export Corporation, performing the "ground
uniting" for The Seven-Up Exhibit. Shown with Mr. Ridgway
are children of officials of various embassies with samples of
their native earth, and to the right is Mr. Ben Wells, vice president
in charge of Sales and Advertising of The Seven-Up Company.
the model of The Seven-Up Exhibit are: (left to right) Mr. Howard
Ridgway, vice president of The Seven-Up Company and president
of The Seven-Up Export Corporation; General William E. Potter,
executive vice president of the Fair; Mr. Ben Wells, vice president
in charge of Sales and Advertising of The Seven-Up Company; Mr.
Nathaniel Becker, designer of the pavilion; and Mr. Martin Stone,
director of the fair's Industrial Section.
MR. BEN WELLS: For this traditional
ceremony to launch a new edifice there is no spade, shovel or
spoon -- not even a swizzle stick to dig with. Customarily, the
symbolic turning-up of earth by amateur diggers opens the way
for construction. Everyone is thinking more of the structure-to-be
than of the dirt that gives way for it. The structure embodies
plans and hopes and dreams. It is the dream of what will occupy
the space that concerns us now. So rather than digging, let's
visualize the dream.
The pavilion was conceived and
translated into drawings and specifications by Becker & Becker
& Associates, Inc., designers. As construction proceeds,
the area will sprout a bevy of domes resembling billowing canopies
tied to earth at the four corners, in designs of varied pastel
shades in harmony with the color scheme of the exhibit motif.
The graceful 110-foot tower holds
aloft a clock with four faces in a ball and another ball with
the Seven-Up insignia facing four ways, so that Fairgoers throughout
the area can look up and see what time it is.
Each dome shelters an area of
600 sq. ft and there are twenty-four such domes around the main
building interspersed with fountains which convert to stages
for musicians and international entertainment provided by John
Krimsky Productions.
This is a joint project of The
Seven-Up Company, The Seven-Up Export Corporation, and six franchised
Developers of the Metropolitan New York area; the Seven-Up Bottling
Companies of Brooklyn, Norwalk, Connecticut, and Newark, Hackensack,
Plainfield, and Washington, New Jersey, The Seven-Up New York
World's Fair Associates.
The designer's drawings give
these domes the mundane working name of "dining shells."
Under each dome there are tables and chairs, designed by the
late Eero Saarinen. To these airy refectories the guests bring
their trays from the service counters in the central building
where they make their selections of sandwiches from the Brass
Rail and Seven-Up -- an inevitable choice.
So Seven-up makes its contribution
to the theme of the Fair -- Peace through Understanding. The
universal taste appeal of this truly international soft drink
points up the common likes of people wherever they live and whatever
their nationality. Our materialistic purpose in this exhibit
is, of course, to demonstrate the properties of Seven-Up for
thirst-quenching refreshment, for drinking at mealtime, and the
affinity of Seven-Up for food. Our idealistic purpose is to demonstrate
the world community of comestibles and the good eatables and
drinkables we have to share with each other. Perhaps a common
denominator of taste -- a soft drink -- can be a symbol of international
As a tangible manifestation of
that unity, we have arranged a ceremony which deviates from ground-breaking.
It is "ground uniting." Soil from lands around the
world has been shipped to the headquarters of The Seven-Up Export
Corporation, in New York.
The Seven-Up Export Corporation
asked its franchised Developers in some fifty countries to send
samples of their native earth. We are going to unite this good
earth from other nations with the soil of the United States.
The imported soil will be reinfused with growth-producing elements
and the amalgam will be used for the plants and flower beds in
the landscaping of the Seven-Up International Sandwich Gardens.
One more jar is being added by
The Seven-Up Company -- two pounds of soil from the site of the
Gateway Arch rising on the banks of the Mississippi in downtown
St. Louis. The Seven-Up Company is located in St. Louis, where
Seven-Up began over thirty years ago, and this soil represents
the 500 Seven-Up franchised Developers in the United States.
This is a uniting rather
than a breaking of ground. On behalf of Mr. H.C. Grigg,
president of The Seven-Up Company, and The Seven-Up New York
World's Fair Associates, we unite these pieces of earth from
the global sphere. Trusting in the concept of "strength
in unity," Seven-Up is adding earth rather than taking
it away from this Fair site. We hope and will endeavor to make
the Seven-Up exhibit at the New York World's Fair truly a contribution
to "Peace through Understanding."
SOURCE: Ground Uniting Brochure,
The Seven-Up Company |