- Stage demonstrations of scientific marvels plus color films of the wonders of nature, sponsored by the Christian Life Convention of New York City, illustrate the compatibility of faith and knowledge. The shows take place in a circular auditorium seating 500. In an adjoining conference room, visitors may meet religious leaders associated with the exhibit. The building, with its scalloped roof, is reached by a ramp which curves over a reflecting pool. Jets of flaming gas and splashing water ring the area.
- * Admission: free.
- * Length of performance: 30 minutes; one show each hour on the hour from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Stage presentations at 3, 5 and 8. Films shown at other times. There are 12 shows presented daily.
- * At each performance headsets provide simultaneous translation of the narration into five languages. The narrations are translated into 13 languages in all.
- MAGIC ON STAGE. Dr. George E. Speake and James I. Moon of the Institute of Science, a division of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, present wonders of science. During one show the demonstrator sends a million volts of electricity crackling through his body to ignite a piece of wood in his hands. At other performances his demonstrations include: A Cry That Shatters Glass; A Frozen Shadow; A Flashlight That Talks; The Stammering Machine; Invisible Energy That Sets Steel Aflame; Eyes That See in Total Darkness; and Electron Magic with a Ribbon of Rust.
- MIRACLES ON FILM. There is a series of motion pictures in color prepared by the Institute of Science and dealing with nature and scientific topics. These films are widely used by the armed services, scientific organizations and schools. Among the latest: City of Bees (on life in the hive) and Red River of Life (on the heart).

Demonstrations of scientific marvels and color films on nature illustrate the compatibility of faith with modern-day science.
The shows, which are sponsored by the Christian Life Convention of New York City, take place in a 500-seat theater; films are simultaneously translated into five languages. In an adjoining room, opportunity is given for discussion.
- MAGIC ON STAGE. A number of demonstrations are offered. During one, a million volts of electricity course through a man's body to ignite a piece of wood in his hands. Others include "A Cry That Shatters Glass," "A Flashlight That Talks" and "Eyes That See in Darkness."
- MIRACLES ON FILM. Motion pictures in color deal with nature and science.
- ¶ Admission: free. Continuous 30-minute performances daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.