Press Release & Floor Plan


Scott and 25 Million Consumers Will Be at New York World's Fair

Scott Paper Company is going to the Fair - The New York World's Fair opening in Flushing Meadows, N.Y., April 22, 1964. At its exhibit on the Pool of Industry, the Company will offer visitors a quiet, park like spot to pause and rest, and to learn the story of paper from tree to tissue. Comfortable rest room facilities will be located in a separate building.

The Fair is scheduled to run for six months each in 1964 and 1965. An estimated 25 million visitors -- many of them on several occasions -- will pass through the gates to visit the fantastic structures of concrete, glass, wood and metal assembled on the 646-acre Fairgrounds.

Scott's exhibit will join those of such companies as Bell Telephone, IBM and General Electric around the Pool, which is the dress circle of the industrial section. A 50-foot tower of golden cables and wood, suggesting trees, growth and progress, will draw the attention of visitors to the exhibit.

Entering the main building, visitors will be transported into "The Enchanted Forest". The story begins with the mystery of trees, the bountiful woodlands which provide the raw

material for supplying the never-ending need for paper and paper products.

Along the pathway, the tale of discovery, invention and creation will be told through pictures, words and products. A second mystery constantly being unlocked by Scott -- the sizes, shapes, colors and kinds of convenience products desired by our Goddess of the Marketplace, the American housewife -- also will be explored.

In addition to products for the home, the exhibit will embrace industrial paper products, printing and converting papers, and items of plastic foam. Research, the vital function which has developed those products and is busy building more, will be treated as well.

Beyond the obvious business objectives, Scott sees the Fair, with its theme of Peace Through Understanding, as an excellent opportunity for it and other leading business concerns in the United States to illustrate the nation's system of free enterprise. Within its exhibit, the Company believes it will provide tangible evidence of the merits and achievements of that system.

Exhibit Floor Plan
Floor Plan
Welcome to The Enchanted Forest (1) where the story begins with solving the mysteries of trees. (2) explains how our water is safeguarded (3) and shows how trees become tissue (4) to ease the myriad tasks of the housewife (5) with a host of delightful convenience products (6) as well as to meet the growing requirements of people away from home and of industry (7). We also are expanding the world of plastic foam (8) and of printing and converting papers (9) while seeking wider horizons through research (10) to insure that the housewife, the Goddess of the Marketplace, never lacks for more useful products made better by Scott (11).