- Pierre Salinger to Participate
in Official Ceremonies
Presidential Press Secretary
Pierre Salinger and representatives of newspapers, magazines,
radio and television, wire and photographic services join the
Fair's Communications and Public Relations team today in ceremonies
marking the official opening of the World's Fair Press Building.
For the first time today, the dateline "World's Fair"
will be utilized as, from press headquarters, the "Peace
through Understanding" message of the international exposition
will be sent around the globe by printed, broadcast and televised
word and picture.
Speaking from the rostrum of
the building's ultra-modern press conference room, Fair President
Robert Moses will present the Fair's silver commemorative medallion
to Mr. Salinger who is making his initial visit to the Flushing
Meadow Park site in honor of the occasion.
A typical day in the
life of Presidential Press Secretary Pierre Salinger, honored
guest of today's dedication of the World's Fair Press Building,
as he accompanies President John F. Kennedy on a recent trip.
The President visited the exposition in December to break ground
for the Federal Pavilion.
World's Fair"
Also addressing the distinguished
gathering will be Thomas J. Deegan, Jr., chairman of the Fair's
executive committee, and William Berns, vice president in charge
of communications and public relations. Mr. Berns will introduce
William J. Donoghue, the Fair's consultant for publicity and
press relations, members of the Donoghue office, the staff of
the Thomas J. Deegan Co., Inc. consultants to the Fair on public
relations policy and promotion, as well as members of his own
department, headed by Greg Dawson, director of special projects,
and other key advisors working closely with the communications
Newsmen, guests of the nation's
top media and exhibitor representatives will then have a first
look at the complete and most modern facilities now available
for those assigned to cover the Fair.
A World's Fair Working Press
Advisory Committee, organized to serve as a clearing house for
working press problems, will also be revealed at today's ceremonies.
It will be composed of a representative of the Press Photographers
Association of New York, the Newspaper Reporters Association
of N.Y.C., the Radio-Newsreel-Television Working Press Association,
United Press International and Associated Press.
Following a tour of the site
where more than 40 of the exposition's largest pavilions are
well under way, a buffet luncheon will be served in the Press
from "Editor & Publisher," April 20)
The Fair's 19,000 sq. ft. Press
Building designed by Eggers & Higgins, architects, will display
today the finest in accommodations for the edification and eventual
use of its most important tenants, new personnel, representing
magazine, radio and television, in addition to the daily press.
The building provides a press
room, interview room, dark rooms, radio facilities, private offices,
a lounge and a conference room for television and newsreel coverage.
The New York Telephone Company, Western Union and RCA overseas
communications will insure quick transmission of news and pictures
nationally and internationally.
William Berns, Fair
vice president in charge of Communications and Public Relations,
at work with (left) Robert Moses, president of the New York World's
Fair, and (right) Bob Considine, narrator for the international
exposition's second preview film, already viewed by over ten
million people.
This most modern of communications
buildings resulted from a series of consultations held by Fair
Vice President William Berns, his staff and consultants, with
representatives of the leading newspapers, magazines, radio and
television networks, wire and photographic services.
Bill Berns, a former news and
program executive with NBC and RCA, avers that out of the joint
conferences emerged a building expected to combine convenience
and comfort with functional perfection for all branches of the
news gathering profession.
The Press Building will
insure complete freedom of movement without interfering with
private and semi-private work areas. It has been so designed
that it can cope even with sudden rushes of reporters for special
events and absorb the expected steady stream of visitors and
dignitaries -- all without confusion and without causing difficulties
for the 50 to 75 newsmen expected to be assigned to the Fair
on a regular basis.
The busy Working
Press Room where local and out-of-town papers perform the many
tasks necessary to stay on top of fast-breaking World's Fair

The center of press activity
within the building will be a 2,000 sq. ft. news room with desk
accommodations for the regular reporters and those on special
assignments or features. Also in this room will be accommodations
and facilities for visiting press on temporary duty at the Fair.
Adjoining the news room will
be an interview room with a two-story ceiling, raised platforms
for speakers and a tiered arrangement in the rear, so that television,
newsreel and still cameramen can work without interfering with
each other or with reporters.
Foreign dignitary,
on the occasion of his country's special day at the Fair, answers
reporters' questions in the Press Building's modern conference
room. Sketches are artist Lee Gregan's interpretation of Press
Building activities once the Fair opens.

These rooms for working
press, interviews and the lounge can be merged into a giant 4,500
sq. ft. area by sliding soundproof walls into recesses. Conversely,
the three individual areas are acoustically treated enabling
them to be used for various purposes without noise interference.
Darkroom facilities
provide on-the-spot photo service for news cameramen.
The photographic section of the
Press Building will be across from the news or press room. Seven
small rooms will be available for changing film and a dark room
will be installed for developing and processing. The area will
be set aside for United Press International, Associated Press
and other photographers. The commercial division of UPI, awarded
the contract as official Fair photographers, will work with the
staff of the William J. Donoghue Corporation, consultants to
the Fair for publicity and press relation.
To handle news releases and act
as an auxiliary arm of the media covering the Fair, the Donoghue
firm will have offices and a city room next to the press room.
Staffed with 35 or 40 reports and feature writers, the Fair's
city room will be under the personal direction of Mr. Donoghue,
who has assigned to the Fair Peter J. McDonnell as director of
publicity and Jerome Edelberg as assistant director.
Bill Donoghue, a former New York
Journal reporter, served as secretary to John J. Bennett, New
York State Attorney General from 1935 to 1942. After World War
II, where he served as war correspondent with the merchant Marine
in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean, and later as chief of
Public Information, Censorship and Security for the Maritime
Service and the War Shipping Administration, he returned to New
York City and became executive secretary to mayors William O'Dwyer
and Vincent Impellitteri. He organized his own public relations
firm in 1951.
Thomas J. Deegan Co., Inc., consultants
to the Fair on public relations policy and sales promotion, is
staffing an office under the direction of Howard Johnson, vice
president of the Deegan firm. Chairman of the Fair's executive
committee, Mr. Deegan has been active in corporate public relations
since leaving The New York Times staff 21 years ago.
Tom Deegan became associated
with the late Robert R. Young, railroad financier and developer,
as vice president and director of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway
Company, vice president of the New York Central and vice president
and director of the Allegheny Corporation. He began operating
his own firm in 1957, assuming chairmanship of its board last
year when Lou Guylay was installed as president.
Thomas J. Deegan,
Jr., chairman of the Fair's executive committee.
Television and radio networks
covering the Fair will have a 1,320 sq. ft. area in the Press
Building with an interview room, control booths and offices.
On the Fair grounds, they plan at least 26 origination points,
where live telecasts can be presented by exhibitors desiring
to participate in telecasts. The TV-Radio Industry Committee
to the World's Fair worked out the coverage plans with Fair officials
during a two-year study.
Included in the Press Building
will be the telephone information service with 40 operators under
the direction of Greyhound Corporation, a fully equipped processing
room for releases, a mail room for quick handling of press correspondence
and a VIP guide service for news executives and press contacts.
D. Fortunato, Inc. won the contract
for construction of the Press Building after competitive bidding
among more than 15 contractors.
Members of the fast-moving
news team necessary to cover the New York World's Fair have little
time to rest, but when they do, this modern lounge awaits them.

Highlighting the functions of
the Fair's Communications and public Relations team at the recent
meeting of the Board of Directors, William Berns said:
"Since we are working for
a master builder, who is more interested in public service than
he is in public relations, we've geared our program accordingly.
As a matter of fact, the same team which started out three years
ago is now sharpened up, working together; and this is the way
it stacks up.
"Our 'architects and designers'
have been the Deegan Company in public relations and continue
to do that job. The 'engineers and construction crew' of the
public relations program are representatives of the Bill Donoghue
Company in our working Press Building. The public relations tools
are produced under the direction of the J. Walter Thompson Company,
who also handle our advertising, specifically abroad, where we
have needed it. The printed brochures are designed by Dick Guthridge
and our films are produced by Jack Campbell.
"We know that all of our
public relations program is in the public interest. Circus superlatives
are unnecessary. You see visual evidence today and you hear the
sounds of the Fair beginning to take shape. Working with the
cooperation of the Press, we'll be ready to receive the public
when we open the gates and the count-down hits zero."
"We tell the world our
Fair story in current printed reports and by films, radio and
television. We have called upon those who operate all the newest
and most ingenious avenues of communication to help us, and they
have responded generously and magnificently with every quaint
device of the Age of Invention.
"Without you, the abstract
and brief chroniclers of our time, the task of reaching millions
of potential visitors near and far would be unthinkable. You
carry the myriad voices of the Fair throughout the metropolis,
to the hinterland and to the four corners of the shrinking globe.
When you go out of business even temporarily, enterprises of
great pith and movement lose the name of action ..." Fair President Robert Moses, speaking
at the Annual Dinner of the Radio-Newsreel-Television Working
Press Association, one year to the Fair's opening, April 22,