1964 & 1965 Official Guidebook & Souvenir Map Entries

The description of this exhibit from the 1964 Official Guide Book

Cover- 1964 Guidebook

The description of this exhibit from the 1965 Official Guide Book

Cover - 1965 Guidebook

The location of this exhibit on the 1964 Official Souvenir Map

Cover - 1964 Official Souvenir Map


Rising 120 feet on four mammoth tapered columns, the Port of New York Authority building is the aerial gateway to the Fair. It includes a heliport, restaurant and bar open the year round. Set below the heliport, a separate structure has a film and exhibits that tell the story of transportation in the New York - New Jersey Port District. Helicopters make sightseeing flights.

* Admission: free.
* Restaurant hours 8 a.m. to 2 a.m.
THE GREATEST PORT. A 12-minuted color movie, presented on a screen 195 feet in circumference, shows the mighty transit projects that enable millions of people to move through the New York area daily. Around the outside of the theater is a scale model of The World Trade Center for lower Manhattan. There is also an operating model of the recently acquired subway running under the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey.
AERIAL GATEWAY. The heliport provides a landing pad, 150 by 200 feet, for sightseeing flights.
RESTAURANT. Located directly under the heliport platform, the Top of the Fair Restaurant provides a magnificent view of the Manhattan skyline and the Fair through special glareproof windows. On the floor below is a cocktail lounge featuring an international selection of mixed drinks.


Rising 120 feet on four mammoth tapered columns, this structure is the aerial gateway to the Fair.

Below a rooftop landing pad from which helicopters make scheduled flights are a restaurant, a private dining club and a cocktail lounge. A separate structure underneath has a film and exhibits on the Port of New York Authority's work.

GREATEST PORT. A 13-minute color film, presented on a huge circular screen, shows the mighty transportation projects that enable millions of people to move through the New York area daily. On view are scale models of the Trans-Hudson railway tubes and World Trade Center planned for lower Manhattan.

RESTAURANT. The Top of the Fair Restaurant and cocktail lounge, operated this year by Restaurant Associates, offers American cuisine and magnificent views of the Fair and New York's skyline through glare-proof windows.

ΒΆ Admission: free.
