- "It's A Small World"-A Salute to UNICEF
- Mr. Edward T. Specht
- Director of Sales & Exhibitor Relations
- Pepsi-Cola Company
- 500 Park Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- MU 8-4500, Ext. 201
- Miss Phyllis Adams
- July 24, 1961
- Block 12; Lot 5
- Industrial Area
- 93,696 sq. ft.
- WED Enterprises, Inc.
- 800 Sonora
- Glendale, California
- 213 CH 5-8951
- George A. Fuller
- Adults....90c
- Children 50c
- (under 12)
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- A spectacular tour of the globe designed and built by Walt
Disney, entitled "It's A Small World"- a salute to
UNICEF--forms the exhibit of the Pepsi-Cola Company.
- Tower of the Four Winds: A 120 foot "Tower of
the Four Winds" marks the entrance to the exhibit. For added
visual interest the tower "performs" much like a giant
"mobile". More than 100 colorful symbols and stylized
representations of birds, fish, and animals are free to spin
and turn in the breeze. This graceful structure with its abstract
design houses a hospitality center at its base where the Pepsi-Cola
Company and the United States committee for UNICEF host distinguished
visitors who attend the attraction. The Tower is visible from
almost any outdoor location on the Fair grounds serving as a
guide mark to visitors.
- "It's A Small World": Visitors to the attraction
board specially designed boats at dockside areas outside the
three-story fully air conditioned building. Shortly after they
start their journey through "It's A Small World", their
craft enters the building on a waterways cruise through the countries
of the world. On this cruise they are entertained by animated
figures, in full dimension, representing children in national
costumes against Disney-stylized backgrounds and scenery, characteristic
of their individual lands. The "children" sing in their
native tongues and perform dances traditional to their native
homelands. all of the movements, singing and dancing of the animated
figures appear and sound completely lifelike. Animals indigenous
to each land also play a part in the entertainment tableau.
- UNICEF Pavilion and Garden: Adjacent to the "It's
a Small World" building is a special UNICEF Pavilion and
Garden. Under the auspices of the U.S. Committee for UNICEF,
dramatic photographs, films and other exhibits highlight the
work done by the United Nations Children's Fund which assists
over 500 programs in 116 countries. Books, games, records, UNICEF
cards, posters, maps and free literature are at the visitor's
disposal, as well as multi-lingual guides who escort them through
the UNICEF exhibit.
- In addition, each day a member country is honored in behalf
of its people. The flag of that country is flown and its representatives
and delegation invited to tour the exhibit.
Pepsi-Cola Company - UNICEF
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965