Introduction to the nywf64.com Post Card collection
In 1966, World's Fair enthusiast and historian Peter M. Warner compiled a comprehensive list of the Post Cards issued for the 1964/1965 New York World's Fair. nywf64.com salutes Peter Warner and his decades long work to preserve the Fair. It is his list that we used to organize and display our collection of the Post Cards of the Fair. Mr. Warner passed away a number of years ago but his legacy and love of the Fair lives on through his list and now at nywf64.com.
It should be noted that not every card in Mr. Warner's list is presented in this feature. There were hundreds of cards published, both licensed and unlicensed by the World's Fair Corporation, for the Fair and for the exhibitors. To collect them all after more than 50 years have passed would be a difficult undertaking. We present here some 300 cards from his list and we will add more cards as they are acquired.
Our feature is focused primarily on the 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" post card issues. There were many "jumbo" cards, fold-outs and booklets issued as well. These items are not presented here, with the exception of a few larger sized Exhibitor cards.
Mr. Warner divided his list into three sections representing the general categories in which cards were issued. Here we break down his list as follows:
- Official Post Cards - These are cards that were generally available throughout the Fairgrounds and the New York Metropolitan area before and during the run of the Fair. They were published by Dexter Press or the Manhattan Post Card Publishing Co. under license from the 1964/1965 New York World's Fair Corporation.
- Exhibitor Post Cards - These are cards published by the Fair's exhibitors. The cards include only those which show exhibitor buildings and/or products and which mention the Fair.
- Advertising Post Cards - These are cards published by exhibitors that advertised various products of exhibit sponsors or materials that went into the construction of pavilions.
- Unauthorized Post Cards - These are cards published by Plastichrome Colourpicture Publishers and Progressive Publications that depicted "Unofficial Reproductions" from original photographs and were available for sale outside of the Fairgrounds.
- Miscellaneous Post Cards - These are cards that don't seem to fit in any of the other categories.
Nearly every Official Post Card is represented in this feature. Many Exhibitor Post Cards were issued in sets and where the set is incomplete in our list, a Place Holder has been inserted and will be filled if and when the card is acquired. If we do not have any of the cards issued by an Exhibitor, the cards are not included with a Place Holder in our feature in order to save space and eliminate clutter.
Feel free to print the following pages if you'd like to use them as a colorful guide to collecting your own set of Post Cards of the Fair! Better yet, you may purchase a copy of an even more current and complete list of cards through Bill Cotter at www.worldsfairphotos.com. Price is $10 plus shipping.
In his list, Mr. Warner provided the following illustration to assist collectors in identifying the various Official cards produced for the Fair
Now settle back and relive the memories the Post Cards of the Fair bring back from a time more than 50 years ago when the world came to Flushing Meadows for the 1964/1965 New York World's Fair!