A sidewalk cafe, a well-stocked wine cellar and charming shops help recreate the lighthearted atmosphere of Paris.
Gaily colored flags of the French provinces hang from the walls in this privately sponsored pavilion. Parisian boutiques sell perfumes, gourmet foods and other luxury items for which the city is famous. A kiosk carries French newspapers and paperback books, and an art gallery sells original oils.
WINE CELLAR. For a moderate fee visitors may taste and compare various types of wine under the direction of an expert wine steward.
WAX MUSEUM. Great scenes from French history are depicted in life-size tableaux.
RESTAURANTS. A sidewalk cafe' offers a spot to relax and watch the world go by. The restaurant Gigi features steak, chicken and fish prepared with a Gallic flair, and the Crazy Horse Champagne Bar sells champagne by the glass.
¶ Admission: free.