World's Fair Information Manual

Pan American Highway Gardens
Dr. Bertram Tallamy
1616 H Street, N. W.
Washington D. C.
202 347-7738
Block 19; Lot 8
Industrial Area
160,000 sq. ft.
Clarke and Rapuano
830 Third Avenue
New York 22, New York
PL 4-1030
Mr. Hal Bibby
Eastman Kodak Company

SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual

The Pan American Highway Gardens celebrate the completion of this road in 1963 running from the border of Mexico down to Panama. The additional 600 miles south of Panama to connect with South American highway systems are in the process of being built at this time. Eventualy one may leave Alaska on the Alcan Highway and travel by auto all the way to the tip of South America.

The section which runs north from Panama to the American border is the Inter-American Highway. It unites the Pan American Highway system that comprises the principal highway system of all of the countries of North and South America. It is 3,700 miles long and will extend from the Texas-Mexico border to Las Animas, Colombia. The 3,100 mile section from the United States to the Panama Canal was opened in the spring of 1963 by an officially sponsored intergovernmental cavalcade of vechicles which visited the New York World's Fair Site. This section of the road transverses Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. The route follows the top of the Pacific Mountain Ranges and as a result the scenery is spectacular. It is tropical but still the climate is generally good because of the altitude. The Pan American Highway Gardens will feature plantings of trees, shrubbery and flowers from that section, particularly around the settings of each of the twelve photomurals. It is also planned that there will be small kiosks from which souvenirs of these areas will be sold.