
- This exhibit presents a mosaic of history and change, from magnificent relics dating back thousands of years to detailed models of mammoth dams and the dream city of Islamabad, Pakistan's unfinished future capital. The new and the old also are blended in the pavilion itself, a modern structure of lava stone topped by the petal-shaped dome which is traditional in Islamic architecture. A restaurant serves national dishes, and souvenirs and handicrafts are sold.
- * Admission: free.
- GLORIES OF THE PAST. Statues and paintings, pottery, jewelry and manuscripts of Islamic calligraphy illuminate periods of Pakistani history.
- ¶ Priceless relics which have never before left Pakistan depict life of the Indus Valley Civilization (2500 to 1500 B.C.) In the collection are terra cotta goddesses, limestone busts, colorful cosmetic jars made of paste and earthenware, and toys - including whistling birds and little bullock carts.
- ¶ The Western period of influence in ancient Pakistan (200 B.C. to 600 A.D.) offers statues of gods carved in Greek-Roman style, plus a number of Buddhas.
- ¶ The Islamic period (comprising the Eighth through the 19th Centuries A.D.) is portrayed through Mogul color miniatures, costumes, pottery, metalwork, glassware and illuminated manuscripts lettered in gold.
- THE PROGRESSIVE PRESENT. An exhibit displays the art and craftsmanship of the people today: Contemporary embroidery, ivory, brass and wood workmanship and current architectural designs. The nation's industrial achievements are portrayed through the display of a variety of finished products. Pakistani models appear in periodic fashion shows and there are exhibitions of paintings by Pakistani artists.
- THE PROMISING FUTURE. A graphic display of economic growth includes models of such public-works projects as the Mangla and Tarbela Dams and the new capital city - rising on 250 square miles of barren land - which is to be completed in 1965. In addition, imposing topographical maps spread over both wall and floor, and dioramas dramatize the nation's bold dreams of life in the future.
- PAKISTANI BAZAAR. A wide assortment of items, from toys and trinkets to luxurious rugs, is for sale.
- RESTAURANT. Inside, under the pavilion's illuminated dome, or at outdoor tables under gaily colored canopies, favorite Pakistani dishes are served, including a variety of kebabs (cubes of spiced meat cooked with vegetables) and Palak Gosht (a spinach-and-meat dish).

An ancient land's history and hopes are reflected in priceless relics and models of modern industrial projects.
The old and the new are blended in the pavilion itself, a contemporary structure of lava stone topped by a traditional Islamic dome.
- PAST GLORIES. Statues, paintings, pottery, jewelry and manuscripts illuminate Pakistani history. Priceless relics depict life of the Indus Valley people (2500-1500 B.C.). In the collection are terra-cotta goddesses, limestone busts, earthenware jars and toys -- including whistling birds. Other objects illustrate Western influence in the Gandhara culture (200 B.C.-600 A.D.).
- PROGRESSIVE PRESENT. The arts and products of today's Pakistan are shown in exhibits of handicrafts, architectural designs and paintings, and manufactured goods.
- PROMISING FUTURE. A graphic display of economic growth includes a model of Islamabad, Pakistan's planned capital, now nearing completion on barren land.
- BAZAAR. An assortment of items, from toys and trinkets to luxurious rugs, is on sale.
- RESTAURANT. Pakistani cuisine is served. Palak Gosht (spinach and meat) and kebabs (spiced meat cubes) are among the specialties.
- ¶ Admission: free.