NYS Theaterama 1964
Queens Theatre in the Park 2000

Back in 1971, a CBS Executive decided to
make use of the Theaterama portion of the NYS Pavilion by opening
a Community Theatre. I had been in this building many times prior
and always wondered what could be done with the building. I was
there when he and several others looked over the facility before
leasing it. He had dreams of much success for making Queens a
focus on the "arts" which was Robert Moses' idea for
the NYS Pavilion.
With limited funding, the building was
renovated to add seating and lighting. Several "off-Broadway"
type shows ran there for several years until the "ball dropped"
several years thereafter. The theater closed because of lack
of money.
In the 1990s, finally more money came in
to renovate the Theaterama building which has an active Community
Theatre to this day. I met with one of the directors in 1998
and visited the site. I must say an excellent job was done to
the building.
I asked what was going on with the towers.
He replied that several prominent business developers and one
famous actor were interested in renovating the towers into a
restaurant and observation deck. Further, the city had some sort
of report on the state of towers which deemed them (in his words)
"unsafe" and "unstable" which would require
several million dollars to just keep them from eventually collapsing
(I personally am trying to obtain a copy of this report).
The main portion of the "Tent of Tomorrow"
building has had no proposals that this person knew of. We both
looked over the building and noted the huge cracks in the building's
walls, the floor in a million pieces, the second story roof collapsing
in several areas; but all the columns and supporting cables intact
and in good condition.
It appears the building can be renovated.
But at what expense?
Charles Aybar
Posting to
Message Board
August 2, 2000
Source: Personal Collection,
Copyright 2000, Rod Smith
glorious restoration of the New York State Pavilion's Theaterama
building stands as a modern testimonial to what can be accomplished
with vision, funding and volunteerism.
seems New York, and the country as a whole, are rediscovering
what the 1964/1965 New York World's Fair has meant to the popular
cultural history of America.
there a Tomorrow for the rest of Philip Johnson's New
York State Pavilion? Can the decay be halted and a viable purpose
be found for one of the few remaining physical legacies of New
York's last great exposition?
Source: Personal Collection,
Copyright 2000, Elizabeth Klug
What a bizarre situation!
You have the beautifully renovated
Queens Theatre almost directly beneath the towers. The organization
that runs the theater surely had to prove to their insurance
underwriter that those 18-gazillion ton platters won't come hurtling
down on their patron's heads. You can't tear 'em down because
it costs too much and you'd have to close the theater for several
months. The "Tent of Yesterday's
Tomorrow" stands defiantly, thumbing its nose at all those
engineers who had it sinking to ground level by now. The tent
is also a costly demolition. So what do you do?
You take a portion of that demolition
money and replace the rotted stairways in the towers. Now that
you have access again, you repair the damaged elevator mechanisms,
clean, paint, rewire and relight. You charge a few bucks a head
to ride up the towers in which is now the highest vantage point
on Long Island.
Now you let some designers loose
on the tent. Maybe trains some vines through those roof support
wires to create a semi-shaded area below. Cut up the Texaco map
into sections and sell 'em to collectors. Cover the area with
pavers, install planters, etc. Rent it out for weddings, reunions,
gatherings, whatever. Same with the lower [towers].
Or do it some other way. My point
is that there is no lack of uses for the facility. Just a lack
of imagination.
Mike Krause
- Message Board posting
August 1, 2000
Source: Personal Collection,
Copyright 2000, Elizabeth Klug
Can we save it? YES! But it is going to
take a lot of politics to do it. Making this a permanent Art
facility would be the correct choice as was back in 1966. The
towers were to be used as an observation deck and food facility
Charles Aybar
Posting to
Message Board
May 5, 2000

Source: Personal Collection,
Copyright 2000, Bruce Mentone
Top Photos Source:
L: Book, "Remembering the Future"
Photos Source: R:
The Queens Theatre in the Park website
Dr. Charles Aybar is a frequent contributor
to the Message Board at He attended the Fair numerous
times as a young man and spent much time in the restored post-Fair
Flushing Meadow Park between 1967 and 1974. During much of that
time he was employed by the lessee of the Pavilion while it was
known as the Roller Round and became intimately familiar with
the building. Today, Dr. Aybar holds a Ph.D. in Marketing/Business
and lives in the Southwestern U.S. with his wife and two children. |
If you'd like
to learn more about the current condition of the New York State
Pavilion, use this link to Phillip Buehler's excellent website
"Modern Ruins."
the Final Report of the Proposed Air & Space Museum Project
for the New York State Pavilion.
Final Report of the
Air & Space Museum project
at the New York State
webmaster's note: I'd
like to thank the many people who contributed to these pages.
Thanks to the visitors who recorded their thoughts or expressed
their opinions so well on the Message Board -- Ken and Ken, Mary
Ellen, Fred, Mike and Gene. To Charles and Bruce for their insightful
contributions of the construction of the pavilion and its maintenance
and use as a post-Fair structure and to Gary for the pavilion's
Construction Fact Sheet. Finally, to the many people and organizations
who contributed visually to the site -- to Bradd, Rod, Ken, Liz,
Bruce, Curtis at BBQ Productions, Ray, Mary Ellen and Larry.
Your kindness is greatly appreciated. May your efforts here at help to bring about a positive future for the New
York State Pavilion.
Please be aware
that the photographs on these pages are the personal property
of the individuals who loaned them for use at PLEASE,
do not reprint them without seeking permission from them by contacting
They thank you for your consideration!
- Bill Young
- August 17, 2000