- State of New Jersey Exhibit
- Mr. David S. Davies, Executive Dir.
- Tercentenary Commission
- State House
- Trenton, N.J.
- 609 - EX 2-2131
- January 12, 1962
- Harold A. Brandt
- Block 45: Lot 1
- State Area
- 91,266 sq. ft.
- Philip Sheridan Collins
- 82 Nassau Street
- Princeton, N.J.
- 609 - 921 - 6065
- Peter Quay Yang Assocs
- 135 East 44th Street
- New York 17, N.Y.
- MU 2-3068
- Richard Cripps
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The theme of the New Jersey Tercentenary Pavilion is "1664-1964 For Three Centuries People Purpose Progress". The World's Fair Tercentennary Pavilion will have continuous programs expounding this theme, coordinated with the state wide celebration which will be going on throughout the year.
- Exterior: The Pavilion will consist of twenty-one small pavilions, each bearing the name of one of the counties of the State. The islands will be arranged about a central theatre and four interior gradens. Exhibit platforms spring from a continuous reflecting pool, which will serve to mirror the rhythms of the pavilions and the nocturnal brilliance of the Fair, as well as to create a barrier between the exterior promenades and the interior gardens. Roofs over each platform and over the theatre are suspended from sixteen tapered masts, or booms, grouped in clusters of four. At night the booms will be illuminated from below. The roofs will appear to float over the platforms, since the only connection between the two will be corner tie-down cables, one-half inch in diameter. At several points the visitor may descend from the exhibit platforms to the interior gardens to rest and relax at tables set among intimate gardens and shade trees within the complex.
- Interior: Pageants and shows of all kinds will be presented in a performing arts area that will be created in four village squares in the center of the exhibit. Here visitors will become part of the State's 300th birthday celebration as they view local choral groups, bands, symphony orchestras and folk dances. New Jersey art and photography will be shown in outdorr displays in this area.
- Each of the twenty-one islands is devoted to the "Faces of New Jersey" told in terms of its people. The first island will welcome visitors with a filmed message from Governor Hughes. Subsequent islands will show the "faces" including the folowing topics: Community, Transportatin, Recreation, Tourism, History, Famous People, Industry, Chemical, Glass Making, Pharmaceutical, Food Processing, Oil Refining, Ship Building, Research, Education and finally the Potential of the State for the future. The final island will include an information center where maps, brochures and other publicity material will be available. An automatic answer machine will also be located in this area.
State of New Jersey Exhibit
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965