The NCR Pavilion appears to be
"floating" in a setting facing the Lunar Pool
near the main entrance to the
The New Business World
Although the theme of The National Cash Register Company's
World's Fair pavilion is "Man and His Records," the
keynote is really infinity. For the manufacturer of cash register
bells "heard 'round the world" is no longer concerned
only with keeping track of a store's money or with similar finite
aspects of business. The new business world is one of infinite
complexity, demands and desires. The world is establishing an
infinite number of requirements for improved record-processing
NCR is demonstrating developments at the Fair which approach
this concept of infinity. Computers answering questions posed
by visitors contain enough information to stagger the imagination;
one model even has the ability to recognize patterns with many
different variations, utilizing light carried through glass fibers
instead of electronic circuits.
In today's age of space technology most people think of "infinity"
as the great beyond -- the vastness of universes and galaxies
beyond the earth. Yet the NCR pavilion focuses attention on an
internal, inward infinity -- that of the microscopic world. Here
are featured the molecule, and down past the whirling particles
(much like a solar system) the atom itself.
Languages of Communication
Just as it portrays an infinite micro-world beneath our everyday
view, the NCR pavilion also dramatizes the infinity which characterizes
the business world of 1964-65. Everywhere in the pavilion are
various tools of communication -- some simple, some incredibly
complex -- and every one of them being used to record or process
fabulous amounts of business information.
"Column of sound" units -- which beam messages to
visitors like a ray of light -- are utilized to explain some
of the vast requirements of modern
The Game Room gives visitors to
the NCR Pavilion a chance to operate various kinds of business
machines and learn basics of computer arithmetic.
business communication; for example, paper records for the
average person which may necessitate tons of forms and other
The inner walls of the NCR pavilion show graphically the many
languages used in the world of machines -- the journals and printed
records which can be "read" by reading machines, characters
and symbols printed in magnetic ink, punched cards, punched paper
tapes, and business forms with magnetic coating to store data.
A battery of Western Union "question" stations permits
visitors to communicate directly with an NCR "315"
computer which is in constant operation to provide printed souvenir
answers. The computer is programmed to provide information on
famous vacation sites around the world, to give layman's answers
to scientific questions, to furnish recipes for world-famous
dishes, and to list the most dramatic events which occurred throughout
history on the inquirer's day of birth.
Another computer demonstrates modern communication techniques
and computer languages, even though it is not located in the
pavilion. Here, a bank teller's machine is employed to illustrate
the instantaneous processing of depositor's banking transactions.
The machine is part of an "on-line" banking system
for high-speed and accurate service, and is connected to a computer
at a bank several miles away.
Colorful displays show the many
ways of keeping track of man's daily transactions. At the supermarket,
in the bank or at the office these machines influence the trade
of the world.
Still another computer is the heart of an exhibit illustrating
the application of advanced electronic techniques in retail stores.
A "310" model, it is part of a "total system"
which gathers all phases of retail accounting and record-processing
under central electronic control. This display shows how cash
registers can be linked through optical reading equipment to
a central computer, to immediately process sales and inventory
Demonstrating how new electronic techniques have changed business
communications, NCR also is showing ultra-modern electronic bank
"proof" machines, high-speed check sorters, electronic
accounting accounting machines and supermarket check-out computers
of the future. Another display depicts how some business machines
may one day be constructed with hydraulic principles in place
of the usual metal parts or mechanical counters. |
Special Pavilion Features
Within the 17,000 square feet of the NCR "space-frame"
pavilion are several other animated displays, a Japanese garden
"island", "evolution panels" of business
machine history, and a scale-model department store of tomorrow.
A special "game room" is also available to visitors.
Here, both adults and children have a chance to operate various
types of business machines and to match wits with them.
Microscopic World
"The microscopic world, or let us say the micro-world,"
states a recorded voice, "is perhaps even more fascinating
than outer space, or ocean depths, simply because these limitless
pathways of exploration are always at hand, merely waiting for
us to look and discover."
In the exhibit, an NCR technique called "micro-encapsulation"
opens up fascinating worlds of Tom Thumb wonders. As an example
of new micro-world abilities, the exhibit shows the complete
contents of the King James' version of the Bible, reduced and
assembled into an area less than 2 inches square - every word
of which can easily be read under a microscope.
In another display, a "floating" sign carries messages
which appear and disappear -- magically dissolving, re-forming
words and symbols which move fluidly yet are confined within
glass for ease of viewing.
Other phases of the NCR research exhibit demonstrate that
the micro-world and the world of tiny capsules can do many more
things than just make words and figures appear and disappear.
Eerie displays of sensitive materials,contained and controlled
within microscopic capsules, illustrate how color and change
can be ordered at the command of a finger.
NCR, with a dozen factories and more than 1,000 offices throughout
the world, has been a participant in virtually every world's
fair for the past 75 years.
NCR Pavilion Promotional Brochure
NCR Research presents, "The
Micro-World of Tomorrow," dramatic demonstrations which
combine magic and mystery with the science of coming years. Among
the world's smallest items in NCR's micro-world are books with
pages which must be read by microscope.
Souvenir computer print-out of a request to the
NCR "315" Computer for the events of a visitor's birthdate