
- Abacuses, computers and miniaturization devices that can reproduce the entire Bible on a small card are on display in this two-story ribbed frame-and-concrete building, along with various examples of man's latest techniques for keeping track of himself. Most of the equipment demonstrates the handling, sorting and feeding back of information in straightforward business operations. But a good deal of it is designed to entertain as well as instruct.
- * Admission: free.
- Highlights
- MAN'S MOUNTAIN OF PAPER. At the entrance is a reproduction of Rodin's famous sculpture The Thinker, amid displays pointing out the mountainous pile of records the average man accumulates during his lifetime. Nearby is a 30-by-12-foot plastic relief map of the world with real water flowing in the ocean areas. Pinpointed on the map are the company's 12 factories and 1,100 offices.
- FUN AND FIGURES. A room of games has adding machines for adults to play with and a giant abacus for children. Problems worked out on the adding machines are simultaneously done in the binary-coded decimal system of counting, which is the language of most business computers. It represents quantity only in terms of ones and zeros, shown here by lights and dark spaces.
- THE BUSINESS OF MACHINES. Scattered about a Japanese garden and pool on the ground floor and in a display area on the second floor are many types of business machines: supermarket cash registers that dispense both change and trading stamps; a computer-cash register system that tells the storekeeper how he is doing compared with a moth or a year ago and a fully automated branch bank system.
- COMPUTER CHATTER. An NCR 315 computer, although sealed away in a glass room, keeps no secrets. When asked by visitors it will dig out any recipe in the Hilton International Cookbook, tell the important events that happened on any date of the year, answer in laymen's language any one of 100 scientific questions and list the sights at any of the 150 most frequently visited spots in the world.
- THE SIZE OF IT. A display of miniaturization offers such diminutive surprises as the King James version of the Bible on a single card and a sharp television image one eight of an inch square.

Among the displays are a giant children's abacus, a microscopic Bible and a computer that answers a variety of questions.
A large assortment of business machines demonstrates methods of storing, handling and retrieving information. Some of the machines may be operated by visitors; several are designed for children.
- COMPUTER CHATTER. Visitors may sit at typewriter keyboards and write out questions on anything from exotic recipes to historic events. The computer prints out the answers on free souvenir forms.
- MICROWORLD. Displays of miniaturization include a small stack of cards holding as much information as a multivolume encyclopedia, and a working TV screen only one sixteenth of an inch square.
- FUN AND FIGURES. In a game room children and adults can operate a giant abacus or brightly colored cash registers that give receipts.
- BUSINESS MACHINES. On display is a supermarket checkout system that automatically counts redeemable coupons and bottles, and calculates and dispenses change. Other exhibits include an electronic accounting machine and a fully automated branch banking system.
- ELECTRONIC MAGIC. Four types of computers are shown in action. One desk model prints out souvenir mathematical games.
¶ Admission: free.