
- The Masonic Brotherhood Center is a display case of Masonic history and memorabilia going back to medieval times. The Center is sponsored by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. It includes a hall for exhibitions, a lounge, office and outside patio.
- * Admission: free.
- FOREMOST AMERICAN MASON. Dominating the hall is an 11-foot statue, in Masonic regalia, of George Washington, first of 14 American Presidents who have belonged to the brotherhood. Events from his life are portrayed in three-dimensional scenes, and the Bible on which he took the oath of office as President is on display.
- SINCE THE MIDDLE AGES. Documents on view date back to the 14th Century, when the Masons were the cathedral builders of Europe. Among them is a Plan of Union for the colonies written by Mason Benjamin Franklin in 1754.

Documents and other memorabilia illustrate the history of the Masonic brotherhood.
Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, the Center includes an exhibition hall, a lounge and a patio.
- WASHINGTON EXHIBIT. A statue of the first President, in Masonic regalia, dominates the hall. His life is portrayed in three-dimensional scenes, and his Inaugural Bible, his Farewell Address and his Masonic Apron are displayed.
- RARE DOCUMENTS. Mason Benjamin Franklin's 1754 Plan of Union for the colonies is one of the documents on exhibit. Others date as far back as the 14th Century.
- ¶ Admission: free.