Lighting Encircling Promenades |
- Around Fairgrounds
- Hamel and Langer
- 652 First Avenue
- New York 16, New York
- OR9-9140
- and
- Clarke and Rapuano, Inc.
- 830 Third Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- PL4-1030
- Hamel & Langer - Lighting
- Donald Oenslager - Design
- Frink Corp.-Fixture Manufacturer
for Fixture A
- Simes Co.-Fixture Manu-
- facturer for Fixtures
B and C
- Broadway Maintenance Corp.-Fixture
Special luminaires have
been designed to give added expanse to certain fountains and
distinctive treatment to the area. They also provide general
illumination for the encircling promenades and traffic lanes
around these displays.
Type A
surrounds the Fountain
of Planets on the Promenade of Industry. It consists of a luminous
cylinder topping a tall shaft. Their elongated character is in
keeping with the high reaching jet streams of the spectacular
they envelop. A total of 43 luminaires are used with a rating
of 300 watts per fixture.
Type B
illuminates the walks in
the Court of Stars, around the Astral Fountain. This is an open
star shaped design, with interlaced elements adorned with twinkling
lights, and a downlight for general illumination incorporated
in the fixture. A total of 20 fixtures, rated at 300 watts each,
are used to encircle the fountain.
Source: Operations
Manual - New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation
Type C
luminaires are installed
on the perimeter walks of the Solar and Lunar Fountains. Since
these two fountains are somewhat similar in design, this fixture
is suitable for both. It is composed of a spherical central body
with ray-like spears tipped with lights, set on a luminous cone-shaped
base, concealing a downlight. A total of 20 fixtures are installed,
10 units for each of the two fountains; rated at 450 watts per