
- Plexiglas-canopied boats provide a 20-minute cruise past the Hawaii and Florida pavilions and other attractions. Opperated by Maroda Enterprises, Inc. the boats are 30 feet long; each carries 20 passengers plus a multilingual hostess, who indicates points of interest.
- * Admission: adults, $1.00; children 6 to 16, 50 cents; free to children under 6 when accompanied by parents and not occupyaing seats
- * Hours: 10 a.m. to 2a.m.

A leisurely 20-minute ride on Meadow Lake provides various scenic views of the Fair.
Plexiglas-canopied boats, 30 feet long,
carry 20 passengers each, plus a guide who points out the Florida
and Hawaii pavilions, the full-sized replica of Columbus' Santa
Maria and other objects of interest.
¶ Admission: adults, $1.00; children 6 to 16, 50 cents; children under 6, free when accompanied by parents and not occupying seats. Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.