The Soviet Union was the first nation to
receive an invitation to the New York World's
Fair, and was one of the first nations to accept, leaving plenty
of time for complications to arise before 1964. From the earliest
planning stages of the Fair, the Soviet Union expressed eagerness
to participate, and the Fair expressed eagerness to have them.
Before New York was even officially selected by President Eisenhower
as the 1964 Fair site, Mayor Wagner verbally invited the Soviet
Union to participate.40
When Premier Nikita Khrushchev visited Washington in 1960, Fair
officials attempted to arrange a meeting with him at the fairgrounds.
Khrushchev's busy schedule wouldn't allow him time for a tour
of the grounds, but his interest was peaked, and soon after,
he sent a delegation to the Fair to discuss participation. In
late August of 1960, the Soviet ambassador to the United States,
Mikhail A. Menshikov, accepted the invitation for participation
in the Fair and offered one in return to the 1967 Fair in Moscow
"on the basis of reciprocity."41 For the next two years, the issue of reciprocity
would be a hurdle that a Soviet Pavilion and the New York World's
Fair would struggle with, and eventually fail to surmount.
Soviet participation promised benefits
for all sides. The Soviet Union would have a chance not only
to propagandize to Americans but also to take advantage of the
heaps of international attention the Fair was expected to receive.
It could show off its advances in technology and culture on the
soil of its greatest rival. The Fair stood to gain as well; it
would benefit by the interest of the press and the public about
a Soviet exhibit, as well as the revenue brought in by what would
most likely be a large and expensive pavilion. The Soviet Union
displaying itself in America alongside democratic capitalist
nations of the world would act as a living demonstration of the
Fair's theme, Peace Through Understanding. Direct and
healthy competition by the world's largest and most dangerous
opponents would provide a dramatic backdrop for the pavilions
of the small and unaligned nations expected at the Fair. And
with the hope that a Soviet pavilion would pale next to a magnificent
United States pavilion, democratic ideals and those who held
them would have a chance to shine at this Fair of the Atomic
The Soviet Union did not have an easy time
of joining the fun. Because of multiple restrictions on trade
and cultural exchange between the US and the USSR, a variety
technicalities needed to be ironed out before any agreements
could be signed. Both countries relied on the principle of reciprocity
to govern their interactions since the escalation of the Cold
War in the 1950s. Additionally, massive tariffs on the import
of Soviet items to the United States contributed to the problems
the pavilion faced in getting off the ground. The Soviet Union
planned on building one of the largest and most expensive pavilions
of the Fair, and the planners' frequent requests to breach Fair
construction standards were problematic enough. It became more
complicated because everything had to go through the US State
Department bureaucracy. And as a member of the BIE, the Soviet
Union had to find a convenient way of participating without jeopardizing
its own upcoming Fair.
The site would eventually be awarded to Spain.*
Still, with all the challenges facing a
Soviet Pavilion, the International Division clung
to its dream of raking in the Rubles in 1964. Moses agreed to
allow the Soviet Union to purchase nearly 30,000 square feet
of land over the maximum limit for all other pavilions. To circumvent
the BIE ruling, the USSR's All-Union Chamber of Commerce was
the official sponsor of the pavilion, and M.V. Nesterov, the
President of the Chamber of Commerce, would be managing the pavilion.
The Fair frequently acted as host to Nesterov and Soviet architects,
working closely with the State Department to arrange for their
Visas to the United States. Even with the Fair's contacts in
the State Department, however, all activity between the Fair
and the Soviet Pavilion planners was scrutinized and highly regulated
by the United States government.
On many occasions when foreign delegations
or heads of state paid a visit to the Fairgrounds to discuss
participation, Robert Moses would arrange a tour of one of his
other projects - the Power Project at Niagara Falls. When Nesterov
came to the Fair in February of 1962 to sign the Agreement of
Participation, the International Division tried to send him to
Niagara to butter him up, but the State Department refused Nesterov
and his team permission to leave Queens. "The whole matter,
of course, is in reciprocation for Soviet limitations on the
travel of Americans in the USSR," wrote Gates Davison of
the IAE "and is part of the 'Cold War' in which we got caught."42
Whether as a punishment or as a reward,
reciprocity pervaded all of the dealings between the Soviet Union
and the United States at this time. The invitation to the Moscow
Fair in exchange for the invitation to the New York Fair came
out of the cultural exchange regulations between the two countries
in the early 1960s. What looked like a friendly offer was in
actuality a necessary transaction. The Soviet Union needed the
United States to participate in its upcoming fair in order to
make back some of the $20 million it was projected to spend in
New York, and the United States needed to participate in the
Moscow Fair in order to have its chance to trumpet its ideals
on enemy territory.
A delegation from the USSR, headed
by President of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce completed negotiations
for a large site on March 2, 1962, at the World's Fair Headquarters.
The USSR exhibition would embrace exhibits of several of the
USSR republics.
(left to right) Robert Moses; M.
V. Nesterov, President, All-Union Chamber of Commerce, USSR;
V. A. Vladimirsky, Chief, Cultural Section Ministry of Foreign
Trade, USSR*
Soviet participation was contingent upon
American acceptance of their invitation to
Moscow. A provision in the Soviets' Agreement of Participation
with the New York Fair, signed on March 2, 1962, stated that
the Agreement would "have no force and effect, unless, within
sixty days after the signing of this Agreement, a letter
United States intent to participate in the International Exhibition
in Moscow in 1967 is received from the United States Department
of State."43 In order
for the State Department to make such a declaration, Congress
would first have to receive a formal invitation and then make
a decision on whether or not to appropriate money towards a pavilion
in Moscow. The New York Fair could not get away with sweet-talking
the Soviet delegation into buying a plot for a pavilion in New
York; external governmental forces were involved. Robert Moses
saw the danger in leaving the negotiations to bureaucrats other
than himself, and pulled whatever strings he could with his contacts
in the government. He wrote to Secretary of State Dean Rusk stressing
the Catch-22 he felt the Fair had fallen into, arguing that until
a study of appropriations for the 1967 Fair is done, "we
are unable to conclude arrangements with this nation and its
Mention of Russia's satellites was one
more problem that made the State Department
uneasy. The State Department wanted control over exactly what
would be shown in a Soviet Pavilion, and it notified Charles
Poletti that the USSR Pavilion could not have special sections
devoted to the Baltic States without being "in contravention
with Government policy."45
Such restrictions outwardly defied Moses's own judgment calls
in the negotiations with the Soviet Union. His approval of the
Pavilion's request for 78,000 square feet was in acknowledgment
that it would provide space to represent each of its 15 republics.
"Governor Poletti
has been asked by Washington for
information and assurances regarding the USSR exhibit which we
do not have," Moses later wrote to the Secretary of State.
"We cannot dictate to the USSR what it shall do in its pavilion."46 Moses's power as the sole censor and his
attempts to keep the Fair out of politics dwindled when up against
the Federal Government's Cold War policies.
Negotiations for participation took a new
turn in April of 1962, when the Soviet Union
announced that it would be calling off the 1967 Moscow Fair.
The April 14th issue of Pravda gave the reason for the
cancellation as a conflict with the New York Fair "which
allegedly would face participants with a difficult choice"
and would cause both Fairs' exhibits to be "generally similar."
The American Embassy in Moscow attributed the cancellation, however,
to the major investments the Soviet Union would have to make
in construction of new facilities and fairgrounds that it simply
could not afford.47
Now it was the United States' turn to demand
reciprocity of participation. The State
Department sent a note to the Soviet Embassy in Washington on
April 27th proposing a US national exhibit be held in Leningrad
and Moscow "at a mutually agreeable time and for a period
equivalent to that of the Soviet exhibit at the New York World's
Fair."48 Nesterov,
on the other hand, suggested merely removing the provision for
reciprocity from the Agreement of Participation entirely. Such
a move would have been unthinkable for the United States government,
which had been trying since World War II to outdo the Soviet
Union at World's Fairs. At the Brussels Universal Exposition
of 1958, the first fair after the War, the Soviet Pavilion boasted
of the nation's strides in science and technology, especially
its space program and the success of Sputnik. The neighboring
American Pavilion focused more on popular culture, advertising
and mass consumption. Allegedly, the Eisenhower administration
was unsatisfied with the American presence in Brussels, despite
the fact that the pavilion was used as an intelligence-gathering
outpost for information about the USSR and Iron Curtain nations.49 In 1959, the US and the USSR traded national
expositions, and Seattle's Century 21 Exposition of 1962 was
used as another chance for America to make up for Brussels and
show the world its advances in science. Without a 1967 Fair in
Moscow or another exhibition, the United States could not justifiably
allow the Soviet Union to propagandize on American soil.50
While the State Department's note to the
Soviet Embassy did not give pavilion
planners an ultimatum, it "strongly implied" that the
Soviets would be barred from exhibiting in New York in 1964 without
such an agreement.51
Additionally, the Soviet Union was faced with "discriminatory
customs treatment" regarding items they wished to import
for construction purposes and to sell at the Fair. The IAE was
working with the State Department to create legislation to protect
the Soviet Pavilion from tariffs normally applied to its imports.
For the Fair, the Soviet Union hoped to be boosted to "Most
Favored Nation" status, but as time went on, the State Department
let on that it would not concede to the wishes of the Soviet
Still, the Soviet Union enjoyed the possibility
of negotiation that other Communist nations were not afforded.
President Kennedy forbade the Fair from inviting the People's
Republic of China. Cuba, North Korea and East Germany were never
even considered for an invitation. Allen Beach of the IAE explained
that the Fair could "only invite those nations of the world
that have diplomatic relations with the United States or are
members of the United Nations and we are bound by the policy
of our US Department of State to follow this course."53
By this token, all negotiations were pretty
much out of the hands of the Fair. The Soviet Embassy responded
to the State Department's exhibition request on June 28th in
a letter that was not shared with the Fair for several months.
If the Department of State changes
the previous conditions of inviting the Soviet Union to participate
now making this participation conditional upon the United States
being extended the opportunity of conducting a US National Exhibition
then the Soviet Union will be forced to re-examine the question
of its ability to participate in the New York Fair.54
According to the New York Times,
the Soviet Union was allegedly "reluctant" to welcome
another American exhibition after the one staged in 1959.55
The State Department did not respond to
the Soviets' June 28th message, and the Fair proceeded over the
next few months to work with pavilion planners as usual. Then
on September 29th, Moses received a telegram from Nesterov:
After getting acquainted with
the note of the Department of State of April 28
and also
on motives stated in the reply note
[the All-Union Chamber
of Commerce] does not see possibility of taking part in the World
Fair in New York
and considers that in the circumstances
the agreement concluded on March 2
has lost its force.56
Moses's attempts to keep his largest customer
drove him into an angry dispute with
the State Department. "This is obviously a most serious
matter involving considerations way beyond the Fair," Moses
wrote to Secretary Rusk shortly after receiving Nesterov's cable.
"I gather that the USSR people have been increasingly irritated
about diplomatic requirements."57 Moses wrote to Secretary Rusk again the
next day, running through the timeline of letters and agreements
amongst the Soviet Embassy, the State Department and the Fair.
Moses emphasized the Fair's distance from the reciprocity negotiations
and shared his opinion that the State Department's correspondence
with the Soviet Embassy was "ill-advised." "We
make no pretense of authoritative or even fully informed opinion
on this critical subject. We simply present the issue as it is
thrust upon us and urge an end to irritating bargaining about
future suppositious and problematical fairs in Russia,"
wrote Moses.58
Assistant Secretary of State William Tyler
responded to Moses on October 2, refraining from all responsibility
for Soviet withdrawal from the Fair, considering it to be a "contractual
matter between the All-Union Chamber of Commerce and the New
York World's Fair Corporation in which the Department of State
is not directly involved." Tyler provided copies of all
the notes exchanged between the two nations regarding the Fair,
and held fast that the Department never set preconditions on
Soviet participation. Moses clung to the possibility that it
was all a misunderstanding that could be resolved, and even planned
to send Poletti to Moscow in pursuit of a reconsideration. His
trip was canceled, however, due to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
There were many theories about who was
to blame for the Soviet Union's withdrawal
from the Fair. Some agreed with Moses that the State Department
was at fault. The New York Mirror wrote that the "fourth
floor" of the State Department was the culprit, referring
to the "men who are always there and who ball everything
up." "Maybe while we insist that nobody can do business
with Soviet Russia, the Russians will ask how anyone can do business
with an American outfit if the State Department's 'fourth floor'
is going to butt in all the time and get everything so mixed
up that nobody can tell in advance if an agreement is an agreement."59
Some felt that the Soviet Union was actually
dropping out to hide its financial
difficulties. Assistant Secretary Tyler held this view. "In
reality, we believe that the Soviet authorities
are using
this reference to alleged US insistence on reciprocity as a mere
excuse to cover the Soviet breach of faith to the New York World's
Fair Corporation."60
The Daily News wrote, "Our own hunch is that Khrushchev
is hard up and getting more so, what with his efforts to peddle
Communism around the world, and just doesn't want to spend that
$20 million on a New York Fair exhibit."61
James Hurd of the State Department's Bureau
of Public Affairs informed the Fair that
an unnamed Soviet official attributed the cancellation on the
Soviet Government's seven-year and twenty-year plans, in which
"non-essentials must be removed and the decision to withdraw
due to economics."62
According to this theory, a chance for a massive propaganda campaign
in the United States over the course of two years was considered
nonessential for the future of the Soviet Union.
Still others, like the New York Post,
blamed Robert Moses's "stylized richness and
texture of his language" for driving the Soviets away from
the Fair.63 The Journal
American blamed the Soviet Union itself. "It is a disappointment
that after all these years in dealing with the Russians, any
Americans should be innocent enough to accept an official Soviet
version of anything."64
The most fascinating take on the debacle came from the New
One thing, though, is perfectly
clear: At the beginning, Russia was for reciprocity and the United
States was dubious about it, and at the end the USSR was against
reciprocity and the United States was strongly for it. No matter
what their initial positions, the two sides inexorably moved,
as if by natural law, to opposite poles relative to each other.
The one condition their relationship apparently could not tolerate
was, precisely, agreement.65
Finally Poletti was granted permission
to go to Moscow in December 1962. Over the
course of eight days he met with several officials of the Soviet
government to discuss the withdrawal of the Soviet Pavilion.
"The Government of the USSR came to the conclusion that
the Department of State really did not desire Soviet participation,"
Poletti recapped. "While the government appreciated that
the World's Fair Corporation was desirous of Soviet participation,
the government of the USSR, nonetheless, entertained considerable
apprehension as to what might or might not occur if the Department
of State is antagonistic to participation."66 Poletti held to this view upon reflection
years later. For Robert Moses's book Dangerous Trade,
Poletti wrote, "In my opinion, the State Department was
never anxious to have a USSR pavilion at the Fair. Perhaps it
was afraid of the propaganda value, which was so much nonsense
Millions of Americans were deprived of the chance of learning
more about the USSR. Is that Progress?" The State Department
never commented."67
Robert Moses admitted that he never knew
the real reason for the withdrawal of the
Soviet Pavilion. "We are often asked why the USSR dropped
out of the Fair after so much effort and apparent goodwill
Frankly, I don't know," wrote Moses in one of the Fair's
official progress reports.68
Writing to a Queens College student, Moses reflected that "it
may be that they were angry at our State Department or that it
was all part of the hemisphere Cuban business
In any event,
the Fair can get along nicely without them."69 He expressed some regret at their absence,
however, based on the principles which he infused into the Fair.
In his opening day essay for the New York Times, Moses
wrote, "It is too bad they and their Iron Curtain satellites
will not participate because we welcome and do not fear competition
and counted on the development of friendships based on sportsmanship
in the Olympic tradition."70
Moses had hoped, whether innocently or arrogantly, to bring two
Cold War adversaries to his fairgrounds in order to vindicate
the theme of the Fair. But he had not accounted for the extensiveness
of national security or the complications of the bureaucracy
involved in such a venture.
All through 1963 and even into 1964, the
Fair continued to make clear its commitment
to Peace Through Understanding and its desire to have a Soviet
presence, in any capacity, at the Fair. For the 1965 season,
the Fair hoped to recover some of its losses and spark new interest
for visitors by having Russia take up space in one of the abandoned
pavilions near the lake in the amusement area. The reluctance
of the Soviet Union to take part in the Fair continued, however,
and by October of 1965, this Cold War Fair ended without the
hoped-for representation and opportunity for propaganda and comparison.
© Copyright 2005 Sharyn Elise Jackson, All Rights