Highlights among many displays is a large theater-restaurant where Javanese and Balinese dancers and musicians perform.
The pavilion, which is based on a sketch by Indonesia's President Sukarno, contains exhibits on the nation's history, resources and social programs. Various aspects of life on Java, Sumatra and Bali are shown, and there are demonstrations of puppetry and handicrafts.
GATEWAY OF FAITH. Outside the main building, an intricately carved temple, split into halves, serves as a gateway. Nearby is a seven-roofed shrine, with four dragonlike stone beasts at its base.
DIP-DYED BATIK. An Indonesian woman draws on cotton cloth with wax, showing how batik's colorful patterns are made. Other craftsmen work in wood, leather and filigree silver, and a shop sells various products of Indonesian workmanship.
PUPPET SHOW. Stylized puppets of painted leather and wood are on display, and shows are given.
THEATER-RESTAURANT. Teak from Indonesia and utensils of bamboo and coconut lend atmosphere. A specialty is sate kambing (broiled lamb). Two orchestras accompany dancers and singers.
¶ Admission: free.