Three fully furnished houses -- traditional, contemporary and modern -- display the latest in comfortable living.
Sponsored by scores of building, decorating and housewares companies, the houses are designed to serve as a yardstick of construction and decorating standards. A separate exhibit reveals details of construction ordinarily unseen.
TRADITIONAL HOUSE. This up-to-date version of a New England farmhouse is faced with white plastic clapboard and features a sewing nook, a fully equipped nursery, a pool and an indoor barbecue.
CONTEMPORARY HOUSE. Reflecting pools, sliding glass walls and a living-room skylight create a feeling of spaciousness. The decor is inspired by Asian designs.
MODERN HOUSE. Privacy is the theme of this "inward looking" house built around four enclosed patios. Its central core is an indoor garden under a big glass dome.
RESTAURANT. Steak is the specialty of Jim Downey's restaurant. A sidewalk cafe' serves light foods and beverages.
¶ Admission: adults, 50 cents; children under 12, free.