
The bustling commerce, scenic beauty and Oriental-European atmosphere of the famous British crown colony have been re-created in the Hong Kong pavilion and the adjoining Crown Colony Club, sponsored by the Hong Kong Trading Company, Inc. The pavilion - with upswept eaves, intense colors and intricate carvings - captures the spirit of Hong Kong architecture. It contains special Oriental exhibits and shops, and has a restaurant. The Crown Colony Club is a restaurant and night club. Set in a landscaped garden dominated by three Chinese junks, it may be entered either from the pavilion or through the stern of one of the trio of junks.
- * Admission: free.
MARKET STREET. The first floor of the Hong Kong building suggests a busy, modern street in the colony. On both sides sit little shops and stalls where jade and ivory pieces are carved to order, measurements are taken for custom clothing and a wide variety of other merchandise is sold.
- THE CLUB ON DISPLAY. The entrance to the Crown Colony Club, flanked by tiny sampans and the huge junks with their multicolored sails, has the distinctive appearance of a Hong Kong dockside. On display in the club are antique furniture, richly colored rugs and a number of art objects.
- RESTAURANTS. Light lunches may be purchased at an outdoor cafe', or entire meals in the two restaurants. In the restaurants, Chinese waitresses bring trays of dishes to the tables; diners choose from hundreds of entrees, including Cantonese squab, duckling stuffed with shark fin, and shrimp and beef in lily leaves. At the Colony Club, Chinese opera singers, acrobats and other groups perform during the evening.

The bustling East-meets-West air of the British crown colony is recreated in restaurants and shops.
The pavilion, with its upturned eaves, intense colors and intricate carvings, contains special Oriental exhibits and shops.
- MARKET STREET. The pavilion's first floor suggests a busy Hong Kong bazaar. For sale are teak and rosewood furniture, hand-carved objects of jade and ivory, silks and brocades. Measurements are taken for custom-made clothing.
- RESTAURANTS.The Birdcage Garden at the rear of the pavilion offers Chinese appetizers and light lunches. The Cathay Restaurant serves moderately priced Oriental and American dishes; the Restaurant of the Hungry Dragons serves international cuisine in a garden.
- ¶ Admission: free.