- Hall of Science
- Mr. Guy Tozzoli
- The Port of New York Authority
- 111 Eighth Avenue at 15th Street
- New York 11, New York
- AR 5-1000
- Free
- W. J. Barney Company
- Block 50; Lot 1
- Transportation Area
- 204,075 sq. ft.
- Harrison & Abramovitz
- 630 fifth Avenue
- New York 20, New York
- CO 5-4884
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The City of New York has appropriated monies to bulild a permanant Museum of Science and Technology in the Transportation Area of the Fair Site.
- In the Great Hall of the building, Martin Marietta Corporation will provide a majestic ten-minute show in which 400 visitors at a time will be introduced to the story of science and man's search for knowledge. The audience will be engulfed from all sides with light and color and sound in a presentation that will lead from the beginnings of science up to the new experiences that await man in his first step into outer space. It will be climaxed by a demonstration of "Rendezvous in Space", emplying two actual orbital manned space vehicles.
- Electronics: International Telephone and Telegraph Company will provide a major exhibit, in six different areas of communications. Sophisticated electronics, which will be demonstrated, including training systems for fire-fighters and monitoring of hospital patients.
- Physics: U. S. Atomic Energy Commission will present a fascinating exhibit on nuclear physics and the useful roles of radiation. The children's section, called "Atomsville, USA", is designed to appeal to youngsters between the ages of 7 and 14. The rest of the exhibit, titled "Radiation and Man", is also devoted to explaining principles of nuclear science, but for older students and adults. It includes other new educational displays and a large percentage of audience-participation devices. The Interchemical Corporation will demonstrate the physics of light, using instruments. This will be presented by means of two movies in color with unique illumination systems which will demonstrate principles of physics.
- Chemistry: The General Aniline and Film corporation will provide an exhibit on the intricate chemistry of color, stressing organic synthesis and the way color is used in industry and everyday life. There will be varied aspects encompassed by dyes, pigments, and color photographic products.
- Biology: Upjohn Company will present a functioning model of basic sensory mechanisms showing how the human brain operates. Using both motion pictures and models, the part that memory plays in thought processes will be demonstrated. Abbott Laboratories will present the "Chemical Man" which is a miniature "operating room" theatre where a color motion picture about the chemistry of the human body will tell the story of DNA and the wondrous mechanism of the blood stream. From time to time models will appear through the floor on which the motion picture is projected explaining the operation of the principal organs of the human body.
- Oceanography: The American Chemical Society will provide a description of the exciting chemical research being conducted on the ocean floor. The oceanographic studies being done at Woods Hole, MIT and Texas A & M will be shown in color dioramas with a recorded audio-explanation.
- Physiology: Ames Company, Incorporated, a subsidiary of Miles Laboratories, will exhibit animated diagrams of the human body, conditions of illness, how it is detected by diagnositc aids, and the operation of the body when proper balance is restored. Emphasis wil be placed on the detection of diatbetic conditions.
- Airspace: Airborne Instruments Laboratory Division of Cutler-Hammer, Inc. will demonstrate an all-weather safe landing system employing moving craft in stack patterns which are followed to actual touch down despite zero ground visibility. Made necessary by jet speeds, the system specified by F. A. A. will be installed in the New York area within the next two years.
- Pathology: The American Cancer Society plans to have an "open" theatre for a variety of lecture-demonstrations concerning cytology, what has been learned about possible causes of cancer, and chemotherapy.
- Anatomy: Hearing Aid Industry Conference will present through models and transparencies an account of the mechanism of the ear, defects that develop and ways in which restoration of function may be possible.
- At the close of the Fair in October, 1965, the City of New York will operate the Hall of Science through a Board of Trustees of prominent scientific, academic, and industrial leaders. They will be responsible for formulating policies. As a permanent facility in Flushing Meadow Park, high school and university students will be able to see the applications of theories in their academic studies.
Hall of Science
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965