
The changing goals, methods and tools of education in America are the concern of the exhibitors in this pavilion - for the most part businesses associated with education. Visitors may see a school of tomorrow, hear prominent Americans discuss problems of the day, listen to classroom exercises and watch modern teaching machines at work. The large building also has a playground area, an audio-visual demonstration center and a public restaurant.
- * Admission: free; small charge to the playground.
- SCHOOL OF TOMORROW. A scale model shows a school in the year 2000, as visualized by leading educators and architects. Accompanying the model are illustrations and explanations of the role education will play in the lives of Americans in future years.
- DIALOGUES IN DEPTH. In a ground-floor auditorium seating 200, prominent figures in many different fields are interviewed regularly on current issues by leading scholars and a guest moderator. The interviews, open to the public, are put on tape for future use in schools and libraries.
- FUTURE TEACHING. Actual school and college classes, using the latest audio-visual teaching techniques and equipment, are held in the auditorium each day. The newest electronic teaching machines are displayed in a nearby area.
- VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. The importance of vocational training in America's future is stressed by an exhibit of machine tools and samples of machine work accomplished by vocational students all over the U.S.
- ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND. Children are invited to play on a number of futuristic climbing structures in the playground.
- A PLACE TO EAT. On the ground floor of the pavilion is a large cafeteria.
The Hall of
Education was open for the 1964 Season. In 1965 this building
was the Demonstration Center.