Ride the Carousel of Progress

General Electric's

Carousel of Progress

 Act III Theater

Note. . . . He follows his dream
with mind and heart.
And when it becomes a reality,
it's a dream come true for you and me.
So, there's a great big beautiful tomorrow
shining at the end of every day.
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow,
just a dream away!

Miniature model of the full Act III Stage constructed by WED Enterprises. A life-sized mock-up was also constructed.

SOURCE (All model photos): © The Walt Disney Company presented courtesy of Bradd Schiffman Collection

SOURCE (kitchen photo): © Photo Network (All Rights Reserved) presented courtesy of Bradd Schiffman Collection

Miniature Model of Act III Set

[The scene opens on a 1940's home. Scrims again conceal secondary sets. It's Autumn and Father is seated at the table in a kitchen of gleaming white late-1940s appliances -- all enamel and chrome. And there's the faithful audio-animatronic dog at his feet.]

Well, it's Autumn again and the kids are back in school. Thank goodness. Now we're in the "Frantic Forties" and its amazing how today's household appliances are helping to take over the hard work. Like our new electric washing machine. It does about everything but hang up the clothes! And electric ranges are a big improvement over those early models of the 1920s.

And refrigerators are bigger and better than ever.[Refrigerator door automatically swings open and various compartments pop open to show off the conveniences.] It keeps vegetables "garden fresh" for days. There's a meat compartment. And it makes lots more ice cubes. Dish washing has gone electric too. And that's real progress, believe me!

1940s Kitchen Scene

[The dog growls at someone in the audience.] Sport! Stop pickin' on 'im!

Yes sir. Kitchens are now places to relax in. I spend lots of time here. Have to. Grandma and Grandpa have taken over my den. [Lights come up in scrimmed side theater at stage-right to reveal Grandma and Grandpa listening to a console stereo/radio.] Radios and automatic record players are now combined in one unit. And Grandma has a new hearing aid.

Grandma: Hmmmm?
Father: Nothing, Grandma.
Grandma: Oh. I thought you said I had a new hearing aid. [Lights fade on stage-right scene.]

[Chuckling] Well, our...

[Sport growls at someone in the audience again.] Sport!

[Lights come up in scrimmed side theater at stage-left to reveal Mother on a ladder putting up wallpaper. An electric mixer sits running on an old bureau, nearby.] Well, our whole family is caught up in the new "do-it-yourself" craze. Mother's remodeling my basement workshop into something called a "Rumpus Room." Be careful now, Mother.

Mother: Don't worry about me, dear.
Father: Mother's pretty ingenious ... like using her coke mixer for stirring ... paint?? Well, that's my wife Sarah. You know, I remember when...
Mother: [As lights dim on stage-left scene, there's a loud crash -- Mother's fallen from the ladder.] Ohhhh! Darn!
Father: Is there a doctor in the audience?
Mother: Never mind. I'm all right dear.
Father: Good. Now, where was I? Oh yes. Remember back in the twenties when young people got their exercise dancing the Charleston? Well today our daughter Jane keeps in shape with electricity. [Lights come up in scrimmed side theater at stage-right to reveal Jane jiggling with an electric "belt" exerciser machine while talking on the telephone to her friend, Babs; her voice barely understood because of her shaking.]
Jane: Babs, did you know that Toni's going steady with LeRoy? Imagine.
Babs: Jane, are you going to the dance?
Jane: Yes. And I'm not going to the dance with that jerk, Wilson!
Babs: I don't blame you one bit.
Jane: Besides, I wouldn't be seen in his old jalopy! Makes me bounce and shake like a bowl of jelly. Oh, and listen Babs... [Lights fade on stage-right scene.]

I'm having another phone put in next week.

[Sport growls at someone in the audience again.] Now stop that. He may be a good customer of General Electric!

Well, thanks to progress, Mother and I can spend more time together. We got the new electronic baby sitter. [Lights come up in stage-left side theater to a scene of kids watching "Cowboys & Indians" on a Television set.] Television is here and, no doubt, will improve. I'll bet there'll always be the "good guy" shootin' it out with the "bad guy."

Electronic baby-sitter Concept model
Concept of "Electronic Baby-Sitter"


[...as lights fade on stage-left scene.] Yes sir. It seems like these are the best years of our lives. Or does that sound like an echo from the past?

Well, I guess it's about time to move on. All of us should know the song by now. Let's sing it together:

Note.Oh there's a great big beautiful tomorrow
shining at the end of every day.
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow,
and tomorrow's just a dream away.

Man has a dream
and that's the start . . .

Pavilion layout - Carousel


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