The General Cigar Pavilion,
directly across the street from the Solar Fountain and Pool, is
a rectilinear building amid a generously landscaped area. The
architect is Cecil A. Alexander, F.A.I.A., of Atlanta, Georgia.
SOURCE: Groundbreaking
Brochure, The General Cigar Company
Excerpts from transcription of
remarks made by General Cigar and World's Fair officials at the
groundbreaking ceremonies, New York World's Fair, Monday, May
13, 1963.
Operations]: Mr. Cullman, Mr. Strauss and members of the General
Cigar Co., Inc. It is my pleasure to preside at what will be
one of the most extraordinary groundbreakings to take place on
the Fair site. The General Cigar Company is the only tobacco
company represented here so far, and we are delighted to have
you. I should like to present a New York World's Fair medallion
to Mr. Edgar M. Cullman, president of the General Cigar Company,
and to Mr. Julious Strauss, chairman of the board.
Now Mr. Cullman will speak to
us and will introduce something in the way of groundbreaking
which, I understand, will really astound all of us.
Constable, vice president in charge of Operations at the Fair,
presenting the Fair's medallion to Mr. Edgar M. Cullman, president
of General Cigar Co., Inc.
of the General Cigar Co., Inc.]: Thank you, Mr. Constable, ladies
and gentlemen. You know, usually when you come out to a place
where there's dirt, grass, trees, you think about going to a
funeral. Looking around here, I don't know exactly what I'm out
here for. I presume it's to dedicate our exhibit -- which is
not going to be a funeral. |
We of General Cigar appreciate
very much your coming out here to share with us our pride in
breaking ground for what we think will be one of the most entertaining
and interesting exhibits of the 1964-1965 New York World's Fair.
At the same time we believe our pavilion will be one of the most
peaceful, complementing in every way the Solar Fountain and Pool
that will be just across the road -- a garden and patio will
occupy a sizable portion of this site, which totals approximately
15,000 square feet. There will be plenty of benches around the
grounds and two maple trees will remain on the site, to beautify
and add some shade. There will be nothing startling about the
appearance of the building, but it will be simple, dignified
and serene, quite in keeping with the restful character of the
surrounding landscaping and the Solar Fountain.
If our building and grounds accomplish
their purpose we'll make a worthwhile contribution to the pleasure
and peace of the millions of World's Fair visitors expected a
year from now. But there is more, much more to the General Cigar
Pavilion. I ask you to use your imagination in visualizing the
interior, because I assure you that when you see it completed
next year, your imagination again will be tested, in many unexpected
We are going to have a magic
show, conceived by one of the most creative magicians in the
country, Mark Wilson. Many of you know him as the presiding genie
on the "Magic Land of Allakazam" television show. It
I told you much more than this about Mark's magic show he would
probably make me disappear in a puff of cigar smoke, because
he and everybody connected with it are keeping the details of
this remarkable show completely secret until the Fair opens.
There will be magic surrounding General Cigar, but I am not at
liberty to reveal anything more.
While magic will be the highlight
of the General Cigar Pavilion, there will be many other striking
things in this building: a variety of unusual displays will tell
the story of the accomplishment of the cigar industry and our
company. In the main section of the pavilion there'll be an international
bazaar at which World's Fair shoppers will be able to purchase
exotic and unusual specialty merchandise from all over the world.
Penny Edwards (Miss Tiparillo) "floats" over the site
of the General Cigar Pavilion at the Fair as General Cigar President
Edgar M. Cullman turns the first shovelful of earth at the groundbreaking
ceremonies. Assisting is magician Mark Wilson, producer of the
magic show which will be featured in the pavilion.