
Source: Advertisement 1964 & 1965 Official Guide, 1964-1965 New York World's Fair

National Advertising for the General Cigar Hall of Magic at the 1964/1965 NY World's Fair

SOURCE: The New York Times Magazine, April 19, 1964


magic! magic! magic!

 Come one! Come all! To the Hall of Magic!


Created by Mark Wilson. There's fun, excitement, bafflement for all the family! See why everyone's saying "Meet me under the smoke rings at the Fair!"
You won't want to miss the most magical fun at the Fair. And you can't miss it. Just look up in the sky for the giant smoke rings. They'll lead you to General Cigar's fantastic Hall of Magic. And that's where the excitement is. And all the fun and mystery. A new show every 15 minutes, performed by world famous magicians. Right before your very eyes -- a lovely lady suspended in midair, a woman sawed in half, a magician stepping from an empty cabinet, objects disappearing in thin air. Magic. Magic. Magic. Mystery and fun all around you. A treat for all the family at the
General Cigar Hall of Magic.