French Pavilion to Feature "Folies
Bergere" and Maxim's Among Famous Parisian Attractions
Artist's rendering
of the $10 million French Pavilion which will feature over 200
displays dealing with the life and products of France.
Work begins shortly on the $10 million French
Pavilion which will rise on a 77,000 sq. ft. site in the International
Area of the Fair. Anthony B. Golff, president of International
Expositions Corporation which is sponsoring the exhibit, first
revealed plans for the elaborate pavilion at a reception on December
6th in the Tower Suite of the Time & Life Building.
Two of the main attractions to be housed in
the colorful complex of modern structures will be a modified
version of the original "Folies Bergere," imported
from Paris, and Maxims Restaurant.
Cross Section of French Life
In addition to dramatizing the best in French
food and entertainment, Mr. Golff emphasized that there will
be almost 200 exhibits utilizing over 100,000 sq. ft. of space
designed to depict a cross section of French life.
The French Pavilion will rise on a large terraced
* * *
landscaped plot fronting on the Fair's Lunar
Fountain. Architects for the project have used basic shapes for
its three buildings -- rectangle, ellipse and pyramid.
The raised rectangle will house Maxim's and
a variety of industrial exhibits. The ellipse -- designed like
a mammoth oval will be the home of the "Folies Bergere."
A three- dimensional animated and illuminated
model of Paris -- The City of Light -- will be presented in continuous
twenty-minute showings in a rotunda beneath the ellipse.
The third structure of the pavilion is a massive
pyramid rising to a height of 120 feet in an avant-garde simulation
of the Eiffel Tower.
The French Pavilion will be able to feed 3,500
people at one time in its combined restaurant facilities.
Chief consulting architect for the pavilion
is Charles Rieger, the well-known French designer, and project
architects are Katz, Waisman, Weber, Strauss. The construction
is by Rand Construction Company and traffic management by International
Expediters, Inc. Exhibit design and production is by 3-Dimension
Exhibits of Chicago who have already leased 80,000 sq. ft. of
space in Long Island City for the exclusive use of creating and
designing French Pavilion exhibit displays.

Maruice Chevalier joined Miss French Pavilion
in ceremonies marking the first bulldozer operation at the 77,000
sq. ft. site of the French exhibit. "It has to be beautiful,"
Chevalier said at the groundbreaking, "to be in harmony
with all the beautiful things around it." |
Suzanne Bernard swings
ribbon-bedecked bottle of champagne to break it on a bulldozer
during groundbreaking ceremonies for the French Pavilion. Watching
Suzanne, who is Miss French Pavilion, are Anthony B. Golff, president
of International Expositions Corp., Allen Beach, director of
International Exhibits, Robert Moses and Maurice Chevalier.
* * *
Fair President Robert Moses presented a silver
medallion to Anthony B. Golff, president of International Expositions,
Inc., in honor of the occasion at which Ambassador Richard C.
Patterson, Jr. acted as Mater of Ceremonies. Allen Beach, director
of International Exhibits for the Fair, welcomed the group and
read a cable from Governor Poletti who was out of the country
at the time.
In his own remarks, Robert Moses, president
of the Fair, made the quote of the day when he laid to rest once
and for all the B.I.E. ghost. "As to the B.I.E.," he
said, "we are not, and never could have been, members. The
New York Fair is not governmental, and our country could not
join the B.I.E. otherwise than by treaty approved by the Senate.
Ours is a two, not a one-year Fair; it operates under a charter,
rules and regulations entirely out of the B.I.E. jurisdiction.
These facts have been certified and publicized over and over
again. The subject no longer constitutes news.
"One look about you at the multifarious
activities at Flushing Meadow will tell you that we deal here
with realities and the future, not with cliches, old, unhappy
far-off things or battles long ago. We recognize past glories
and memories, but our faces are to the future."
... 8 months later, plans have changed!
France -- Pavilion of Paris and French Industries
-- divided into sections named after
the quartiers and famous avenues of the French capital:
Champs Elysees, Quartier Latin, Rue de la Paix; the best that
France has to offer in fashion, art, culture and consumer products. |
SOURCE: Fair News
Issues - Official Newsletters of the 1964-1965 New York World's
Fair |