The French Pavilion at the New York World's
Fair will consist of three buildings of pure geometric design.
A rectangular structure will house industrial exhibits, Maxim's
famous Paris restaurant and a Moulin Rouge dining terrace. The
second building, a pure white ellipse, will contain a 1500-seat
theater where the original "Folies Bergere" will be
presented. A towering pyramid will contain the Treasures of Versailles,
an enormous collection of French paintings and art objects. The
pavilion will feature a million dollar miniature reproduction
of the City of Paris; specialty restaurants, and over 200 exhibits
dealing with the life and products of France. The pavilion has
been designed by Sidney L. Katz of Katz Waisman Weber Strauss-Blumenkranz.
Contractor: Rand Construction Company. Cole Fischer and Rogow
will serve as advertising and public relations representatives,
and Bill Doll and Company will handle the national and international
publicity campaign.
SOURCE: Groundbreaking
Brochure, The Pavilion of France
Following is a transcription
of remarks made by French and World's Fair officials at the French
Pavilion groundbreaking ceremonies, New York World's Fair, Tuesday,
February 5, 1963.
JR. [Chief of Protocol]: Distinguished guests and ladies and
gentlemen. Today we are witnessing the groundbreaking for the
French Pavilion, as you know -- the Pavilion of the Spirit of
France. The first speaker is Mr. Allen Beach, director of our
International Exhibits of the World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation.
Mr. Beach.
ALLEN BEACH: Thank you, Mr. Ambassador,
M. Chevalier, Mr. Moses, Mr. Golff, Mr. Pierre, Miss Suzanne
Bernard, who is Queen of the French Pavilion, distinguished guests,
ladies and gentlemen. Governor Poletti, who is the vice president
for International Affairs and Exhibits, is missing this ceremony
by but one day. He returns late tomorrow from Italy where he
has finalized the Italian participation in the Fair. I talked
to him yesterday and he asked me to say this for him. "Please
convey to Mr. Golff, president of the International Expositions,
Inc. and his associates; and to Mrs. Mary Lasker and her fine
advisory committee to the French Pavilion; and to M. Chevalier;
my sincerest congratulations on their groundbreaking ceremony,
as well as my personal thanks to all those who have made the
French Pavilion possible at the Fair. You can all be assured
of our fullest cooperation, and I am confident of your success."
To this I would like to add my
own personal congratulations. We all know the problems that have
been overcome in the tremendous effort that Mr. Golff and his
advisors and associates have put into this project to bring it
to this point. It was just four-and-a-half months ago that Mr.
Golff came to our office and heard about our long efforts to
secure French participation in the Fair. He came back with a
plan. And we liked the plan, but we wanted to know more about
Mr. Golff. So, a few days later we received letters from officials
of several countries for whom Mr. Golff had organized exhibitions;
also letters from officials from our own Department of Commerce,
Department of State, from leading exhibition firms and other
firms throughout the United States; all praising his work, talent
and ability, and we were convinced.
Mr. Golff and his associates
have taken on a challenging project. What they have accomplished
in a few months is tremendous. They may be assured that they
have the fullest support from all of us. Private industry and
cultural organization of France are fortunate that a group like
Mr. Golff and his team was available. Otherwise, France might
not have been represented in this great international event in
1964 and 1965. Thank you.
you, Mr. Beach. May I now introduce to you Mr. Leo J. M. Pierre,
the World's Fair representative for the Chase Manhattan Bank.
He is also a member of the Advisory Committee for the French
Pavilion. Mr. Pierre.
LEO J. M. PIERRE: Thank you,
sir. It is indeed a great pleasure to be here, and on such a
glorious day, which shows that Mr. Moses knows how to arrange
things. Unfortunately, thinking of France today, there are black
clouds on the horizon, politically speaking, as we all know,
but I hope, I trust -- I am quite sure that these clouds will
disappear very quickly; the sky will be blue and sunny again,
and French-American friendship will be as safe and secure as
it has been through the centuries.
the World's Fair official medallion presented to them at French
Pavilion groundbreaking ceremonies are honor guest Maurice Chevalier
and French Pavilion Director Anthony B. Golff. For the Fair: President
Robert Moses and Director of International Exhibits Allen Beach.
I regret the absence of Mrs. Lasker,
who happens to be the chairman of the Advisory Committee for
the French Pavilion at the Fair, and I believe I'm probably the
only member of this committee present today. The Advisory Committee
is comprised of a perfectly beautiful list of names, and we all
feel that just because there have been certain difficulties in
setting up this beautiful project, it will be very necessary
not to make it just a list of distinguished names, but to create
a real spirit of help and dedication and in the name of the Advisory
Committee. For myself, I should like to say that we intend to
be a working committee and that we pledge our support to Mr.
Moses, to Mr. Golff, and to all the dedicated people who are
trying to have the French flag flying at the World's Fair. |
We all feel that it would have been absolutely impossible
to conceive of such a large and important manifestation in New
York without France being present. We shall do our best -- knowing
that the 1939-1940 World's Fair saw a perfectly magnificent French
Pavilion -- to have an even better one in 1964 and 1965.
Standing here at my right is
a gentleman whom all of you know. Who couldn't? I have the great
privilege of being a personal friend of M. Chevalier. He has
become a part of the American entertainment world, and many of
you may remember such magnificent movies as "The Love Parade"
with M. Chevalier and Jeanette MacDonald, and "Gigi,"
and many others. In "The Love Parade" he was a dashing
young man, and now, many years later, he is still very dashing
in "Gigi."
In Paris, and throughout France
in general, he's not Monsieur Chavalier, but simply Maurice.
May I introduce Maurice Chevalier.
a speech ready to make in such an important circumstance. I only
mean to say that I'm very proud that I've been asked to be here
at the birth of the French Pavilion. I am sure that it will become
something beautiful, as it has to be beautiful to be in harmony
with what is going to be done all around this French Pavilion.
All I can say is that I hope it will be as beautiful and as deep
as the love and as the gratitude that I have for America, and
I am sure that it will be so because it has to be so and it should
be so definitely. Thank you very much.
our guest of honor. I should like now to present Mr. Anthony
B. Golff, who holds a brilliant post in our coming World's Fair,
as the director of the French Pavilion. Mr. Golff.
ANTHONY B. GOLFF: Thank you,
Mr. Ambassador, Maurice Chevalier, Mr. Moses. In the words of
the "Marseillaise," the day of glory has arrived. We
hope to build here one of the finest pavilions that has ever
been built in any fair anywhere, as a tribute to France, as a
demonstration of our gratitude to that great nation, and by way
of presenting to the world the cultures, the products, and all
of the fine things which emanate from France.
We invite you to join us in our
efforts and we take this opportunity to invite all of French
industry and commerce to participate in this great work. Thank
you very much.
Mr. Golff. The next distinguished American whom I shall present,
like Maurice Chevalier, needs no introduction. I give you the
distinguished president of the New York World's Fair, the Honorable
Robert Moses.
Bernard swings ribbon-bedecked bottle of champagne to break it
on a bull-dozer during groundbreaking ceremonies for the French
Pavilion. Watching Suzanne, who is Miss French Pavilion, are Anthony
B. Golff, president of International Exposition Corp., Allen Beach,
director of International Exhibits, Robert Moses and Maurice Chavalier.
ROBERT MOSES: Dick Patterson,
M. Chevalier, and friends. Allow me to express briefly the great
pleasure of the officers of the Fair that this French Pavilion
is to have an honored place in our demonstration of world progress.
We rejoice that the French people will not be among the few conspicuous
absentees but will join New York City, our American states and
industries and the greater part of the globe in promoting peace
through understanding.
The common market we offer at
the Fair is one based on the old Olympic ideal of healthy rivalry
far removed from all ideologies, the meeting of strong men regardless
of border, breed and birth.
I shall sound no discordant notes
here. As to the B.I.E. we are not, and never could have been,
members. The New York Fair is not governmental, and our country
could not join with the B.I.E. otherwise than by treaty approved
by the Senate. Ours is a two, not a one-year Fair; it operates
under a charter, rules and regulations entirely out of the B.I.E.
jurisdiction. These facts have been certified and publicized
over and over again. And the subject no longer constitutes news.
One look about you at the multifarious
activities at Flushing Meadow will tell you that we deal here
with realities and the future -- not with cliches, old, unhappy
far-off things or battles long ago. We recognize past glories
and memories, but our faces are to the future.
We raise our voices at my Alma
Mater, Yale University, to the Spirit of Youth, alive, unchanging,
under whose feet the years are cast. Who but Maruice Chevalier,
master of song and story, put over not with a leer, but with
economy of gesture, charm and a glance of the eye, so perfectly
illustrates, symbolizes and personifies this Spirit? He has that
rare and precious combination of nostalgia and elan vital
which is the quintessence of France.
Again, welcome to the greatest show of our times, and thanks
again for coming to the groundbreaking.
A Little Bit of Advertising
A box of matches advertises the
Pavilion of France

Source: eBay Auction