- World's Fair House
- Dr. John F. Nobis
- Director of World's Fair Activities
- Formica Corporation
- 4614 Spring Grove Avenue
- Cincinnati 32, Ohio
- 513 541-3670
- Mr. Stuart Whitehead
- Formica House
- 101 West 50th Street
- New York 20, New York
- 956-3151
- Mr. Gerald Tierney
- Dudley-Anderson-Yutzy
- 551 Fifth Avenue
- New York, N.Y.
- MU 2-0071
- August 1, 1962
- Block 5; Lot 1
- Industrial Area
- 22.700 sq. ft.
- Emil A. Schmidlin
- 50 Evergreen Place
- East Orange, N.J.
- 201 OR 2-2800
- Miss Ellis Leigh
- c/o Emil A. Schmidlin
- 50 Evergreen Place
- East Orange, N.J.
- 201 OR 2-2800
- John W. Ryan
- Free
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The Formica Corporation will exhibit a 7-room contemporary house on a fully landscaped half-acre plot. "The World's Fair House" will be elevated 15 feet and will bear the address 64-65 Hilltop Lane.
- The Formica World's Fair House is modern, truly contemporary. However, it is not "futuristic". In contrast to many themes and exhibits at the Fair, the Formica World's Fair House will be built to solve today's housing needs. This exhibit will provide the millions who will visit it with scores of practical ideas that they can utilize in the solution of their immediate housing and decorating problems. The Formica World's Fair Hosue will be the house of today.
- A continuous audio-visual "Talking House" tour will present typical family life showing that a house is basically a love story. The presentation will be entertaining, amusing and informative for all ages.
- The house itself consists of 2,900 square feet of living space but has been divided where the center hall would normally be so as to provide an additional 4,000 square feet of public viewing area.
- Ramps will run to and from the house to the 6,000 square foot street level area below the house where visitors can see details in blow-ups of sections of the interior of "The World's Fair House".
- In addition to demonstrating the application of all Formica laminated plastic products, the House will serve as a showcase for the other Cyanamid consumer products divisions: Building Products, Fibers, Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Resins.
- In addition to Formica and the other divisons of the American Cyanamid Company participating in the World's Fair House is Good Housekeeping Magazine.
Formica Corporation World's Fair House
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965