© Copyright 2003, Albert
Fisher and nywf64.com -- reprints of this essay without
permission of the author and this website are not allowed.
When I interviewed the famous conductor
and composer Leonard Bernstein for my World's Fair radio series,
I learned a hard lesson about preparedness. We met at the Top
Of The Fair restaurant where he had just landed via helicopter
from Manhattan. I made the awful mistake of beginning the interview
by asking: "Is it Leonard BernSTEEN ... or BernSTINE"?
He responded with a coldness that would freeze hot coffee on
the spot: "Bernstein" he replied. From that moment
on, the only responses I could get out of him were a short and
curt "yes" and "no." He was not happy with
me and I was not prepared. I learned my lesson.
Louis Armstrong was another thing altogether.
We had lunch together at the Danish Pavilion where they had a
great smorgasbord ... an assortment of dishes from all over Denmark.
When "Satchmo" found out I was from New Orleans (his
home town too), he treated me like a long lost relative. The
fact that we had downed a considerable amount of the Danish liqueur
Aquavit, did not hurt too. He regaled me with one great story
after another about life in The Crescent City ... some of which
made it onto my radio show, but most of which were far too ribald
to ever repeat in mixed company. Added to this was his frequent
trips out to the limousine where, I eventually learned, he kept
a stash of marijuana. Our lunch went on for hours and we all
consumed vast quantities of everything in sight!
Lucy Day at the Fair was another major event in the first year of the
New York World's Fair. A massive promotional tie-in had been
done by the Fair Corporation and Bill Berns and John O'Keefe
in particular. Macy's and CBS were involved and about 100 press
from all over the country were flown in for the day-long event.
We had a big parade through the Fairgrounds which included the
St. Lucy Band (there actually is such a group) from the St. Lucy
High School in New Jersey. Every band member wore a bright red
wig. Lucille Ball rode in the Fair's official white Cadillac
convertible touring pre-arranged destinations throughout the
grounds. Somehow, the notorious newspaper columnist Hedda Hopper,
who was at one time one of the most powerful columnists in the
world, managed to get into the convertible with Lucy. Hopper
was known for wearing large outlandish wide-brimmed hats. Her
hat not only kept poking Lucy in the eye, more important, Hedda
Hopper was upstaging the star attraction. Lucy became angrier
by the minute at Hopper's antics. After about a half-hour of
this, the beloved TV star turned to me and startled me with a
string of four-letter words that would truly make a sailor blush.
She made it clear to me that if Hedda Hopper were not out of
the car at the next stop, Lucy was prepared to call it quits
and leave the Fair! We certainly were not going to let that happen,
but at the same time, we did not want to anger Hopper to the
point that she would write something negative in her column which
was still read by millions. We arranged a "special VIP private
tour" just for Hedda with her own guide. She felt that she
was being singled out for her fame, popularity and power and
being given a tour that not even Lucy was able to have. Problem
solved. The evening ended with a grand dinner at the Spanish
Pavilion restaurant and a stage show with the famous Spanish
Flamenco Dancer Antonio Gades and his troupe. At the end of the
night, Lucy got up on stage with Gades and did an impromptu Flamenco
dance that was straight out of her classic wine stomping routine
from the "I Love Lucy" series. Lucy Day at the Fair
was probably one of the biggest success stories from a Public
Relations and promotional standpoint in the first year of the
(l to r) Elsie, Albert Fisher
Taken outside the Kodak Pavilion
in February, 1964 before the Fair opened. Note that the large
panels on the Kodak Pavilion which held photographs are still
When the Fair came to a close for the first
season in October of 1964, the Fair Corporation, and the Fair's
President, Robert Moses, were under scrutiny and attack by the
press. The Fair seemed a huge success, but attendance had not
met expectations and there were financial problems. During the
winter of '64, with the Fair closed, it was almost impossible
to get anybody excited about doing any positive TV shows on the
Fair. But one person was willing ... and eager ... to do so.
That was the great comic Jonathan Winters. He was doing a series
of specials for NBC. Winters decided to do one of the specials
from the
Fair in December, 1964. The concept was that the BBC network
in England was sending a reporter to cover the Fair, not knowing
that the Fair was closed for the winter months. The reporter
was played by Michael Bentyne, a member of the infamous "Goon
Gang" which Peter Sellers had begun. In the tradition of
"the show must go on," the BBC reporter would still
originate from the Fair, interviewing the few people who were
still around in the snow-covered wilderness in Flushing Meadow.
Every person Bentyne interviewed was a character created by and
performed by Johnathan Winters. There was the oriental caretaker
at the Hong Kong pavilion who dry cleaned your shirt while you
went through the pavilion ... the guy who kept the Sinclair Dinosaurs
warm with electric blankets ... and the richest man in the world.
This was one of Winter's favorite characters. He portrayed this
current day man who was so wealthy that he had his own pavilion
called: "The ME Pavilion." We used the courtyard and
exterior of the Federal Pavilion for this purpose. The show was
to be taped on a Thursday, edited on Friday and aired on the
entire NBC network on Saturday. That Thursday morning, all of
the NBC camera trucks, technicians, cast and, of course, Johnathan
Winters descended on the Fairgrounds to begin shooting. Before
even one shot was taken, we were informed that Robert Moses did
not like Mr. Winters' type of humor and did not find him at all
funny. Further, Mr. Moses did not want Winters mocking "his"
Fair. We were told to escort Winters and the NBC crew off the
grounds. Our hands were tied. No amount of explaining what the
ramifications of kicking a star of Winters' stature and a network
television crew off the grounds would do had any effect on Moses.
Winters left. NBC left. And I was "invited"
to leave. My stint with The New York World's Fair came to an
abrupt end. That Saturday night on the entire NBC Television
Network, the Johnathan Winters "Special" aired. Instead
of a fun and lighthearted look at the Fair in the winter snows,
Winters opened by telling his national audience what had taken
place and then launching into a 5 minute tirade against the Fair
and Robert Moses. What could have been a shot of positive publicity
(when the Fair needed it most) turned out to be a disaster of
negative proportions.
For me, my friend Merv Griffin was waiting
in the wings and I went right to work for his new TV series.
But just before I went to work for Merv, my good friend Gil Cates
asked me to co-produce the "Re-Opening Day Television
Special" for ABC. That show starred Gordon and Sheila
Mac Rae, trumpeter Al Hirt and The New Christy Minstrels. But
to this day, my experiences with The New York World's Fair remain
one of the great times of my life and has resulted in a collection
of memorabilia from both New York Fairs which is ever growing.
One of my prized items is the gold World's Fair official medallion,
mounted on a wooden base with a gold plaque which reads: "Robert
Moses, President, The New York World's Fair." This medallion
is from Mr. Moses' desk. It is a constant reminder of the great
times ... the sad times ... and the lifetime of memories granted
me by my association with this amazing event in Flushing Meadow.
* * *
Albert Fisher...
Albert Fisher
is an Emmy-winning seasoned television executive with creative
credits from all four networks, most major syndicators, cable
networks, as well as station groups. Fisher/Merlis Television,
Inc. (which Fisher co-owns with George Merlis) has been responsible
for creating and producing hundreds of half-hour shows as well
as scores of one-hour "specials" for Discovery, Home
and Garden Television, TLC, Travel, History, Animal Planet, The
Science Channel and other networks. Their current hit series
"Flea Market Finds with the Kovels" is one of the most
popular programs on HGTV. They are currently in production on
shows for Travel, Fine Living and Animal Planet. Fisher's latest
special: "Mars Rocks: The Geology Of The Red Planet"
will air beginning December 28th (2003) on Discovery's Science
Channel. Fisher and Merlis were also executive producers, writers
and producers for the nationally syndicated weekly series: "Better
Homes and Gardens Television". For their work on this series
there were twice nominated and once awarded the national EMMY
for "Outstanding Service Show" in a tie with "Martha
Stewart's Living". Some of FMTV's other recent programs
include: "Secrets of San Simeon with Patricia Hearst"
for Discovery's Travel Channel (holds the record as highest-rated
program in the history of the network), "The Harlem Hellfighters",
for The History Channel, "The Real Me" series and a
special: "Willard Scott's Taste of Puerto Rico" for
The Good Life Network. With George Merlis, he has created and
produced hundreds of programs and specials for The Home and Garden
Network including "Willard Scott's Home and Garden Almanac",
"Flea Market Finds with The Kovels", "Kitty Bartholomew:
You're Home", "The Urban Gardener with Meshach Taylor"
and "Ask Kitty". He has served as a Producer for the
NBC-TV Network series: "I Witness Video" and the Fox
Television Network news magazine series: "Front Page".
Previously, he has been associated with broadcast programs such
as King World's "Inside Edition", ABC's "Home",
Group W's "The Merv Griffin Show" and PBS's "Lumina-Magazine
For The Arts". He created the pilot for "ABC's Wide
World Of Entertainment" and has functioned in various senior
positions with broadcasters world-wide.
His talent as a Producer/Director/Writer associated with films,
television and multi-media events has garnered many international
awards including film festivals in Cannes, New York, London,
Chicago, Barcelona and Edinburgh as well as multiple EMMY awards
and nominations. Mr. Fisher has also received awards from The
American Bar Association, The International Film and Television
Festival and the coveted Columbia School of Journalism's Alfred
I. DuPont Award for the documentary: "Whispering Hope: Unmasking
The Mystery Of Alzheimers".
As an Executive Producer with the NBC O&O Division, Albert
Fisher created, produced and directed numerous award-winning
documentaries and public-affairs programs and specials. In this
capacity, and his current role as a hands-on executive producer,
he has spent time as an undercover inmate in The Ohio State Penitentiary,
has flown in supersonic fighter aircraft, sailed international
"Tall Ships" and has lived on the bottom of the Atlantic
Ocean in a NASA underwater habitat. Just last month, Fisher became
the 104th person to ever step foot on the youngest land formation
on Earth, the island of Surtsey near the Arctic Circle off the
coast of Iceland. This was part of a major television special
about sites on Earth that are similar to the terrain of the planet
Earlier, Mr. Fisher was Director of Television and Motion Pictures
for the International World's Fairs in New York, Seattle and
Montreal. He has been responsible for commercials, corporate
videos and multi-media presentations for Fortune 500 giants such
as Westinghouse, General Electric, E.R. Squibb & Sons, American
Airlines, Cartier Jewelers, etc. Albert Fisher lives in Los Angeles
with his wife Ricka Fisher who is a producer of motion pictures
for television and their daughter Hannah who will graduate from
high school this coming June.
Mr. Fisher would
love to hear from anyone who has a comment about the article
or the Fair. You can eMail him at AFisher423@aol.com.
Webmaster's note... I am thrilled to welcome Mr. Fisher
to nywf64.com!
The shows he produced for the Fair are legendary. It is such
an honor to have him share his recollections of the time he spent
with the Fair, for this website. Thank you, Mr. Fisher, for allowing
us to see a part of the Fair we would never have otherwise known.
- Bill Young
- December, 2003