- First National City Bank -
- Visitors Building
- Mr. Carl E. Schwendler
- First National City Bank
- 399 Park Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- 559-4571
- June 22, 1962
- Diesel Construction Co.
- Block 26, Lot 3
- Industrial Area
- 11,993 sq. ft.
- Mr. William E. Lescaze
- 211 East 48th Street
- New York 17, New York
- EL 5-3660
- Mr. James Rose
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The First National City Bank will have two banks at the Fiar Site. One bank will be an exhibit bank, while the second will be mainly a service, functional bank for exhibitors and concessionaires.
- The First National City Bank has been granted the non-exclusive right on Travelers checks to use the phrase "Official Travelers check - New York World's Fair".
- Located near the south entrance, the exhibiton bank will be a modern 17 foot structure, two thirds of which shall be glass. The building has been designed so that only a small area in the rear of the bank will be enclosed for offices and services.
- Two fresh water pools, a steel canopy covering the main entrance, and steel columns supporting the over-hanging roof will be some of the features of the plaza situated in front of the bank. The landscaped area will be comprised mainly of low shrubs, selected birch and magnolia trees and paved walks.
- To the left of the main entrance an attractive lounge will be provided for patrons and visitors. Customers' and executives' desks will be located opposite the row of tellers' windows. Trained specialists in foreign languages and foreign exchange rates will be employed to provide quick efficient service in exchanging foreign currency and cashing checks drawn on banks from all over the world. The visitors' building will operate concurrently with Fair exhibit hours; 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. There will also be a tasteully furnished VIP room.
- First National City Bank -
- Operations Building
- Mr. Carl E. Schwendler
- First National City Bank
- 399 Park Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- 559-4571
- June 22, 1962
- Roth-Harris Construction Co.
- Block 14, Lot 7
- Service Area
- 20,361 sq. ft.
- Modubilt Corporation
- 405 Lexington Avenue
- New York 17, New York
- MU 2-8430
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The operations building of the First National City Bank has been specially designed and staffed to provide all the necessary banking requirements of exhibitors, concessionaires and their employees.
- The pre-fabricated, steel and glass structure will have an attractive banking floor with 10 tellers' positions. To the right of the tellers will be an officers' platform and a customer's waiting room. The working area in the rear will have a direct entrance into a receiving cage where bulk deposits will be handled. This area will also contain high speed coin sorting and counting equipment, currency couting equipment and large night depositories. It is anticipated that more than one-half a billion dollars will be handled by the branch.
First National City Bank
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965