During a recent visit to New York I was
fortunate enough to do some extensive research of the actual
corporate records of the New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation
at the New York Public Library. What most struck me was that
many ordinary citizens routinely wrote to the Fair Corporation
with ideas as to what should be done with the site, buildings
and exhibits after the Fair. It seems even the most outlandish
ideas were circulated amongst the corporate staff and, in every
instance, each individual received a written response. If the
idea in question was of merit someone on the senior staff usually
wrote a personal response. Sometimes, even Robert Moses himself
wrote the return letter! But usually, if the idea was too outlandish
or impractical, a canned but cordial response was sent along
with a printed report on post-Fair use. What is so touching is
that every one of these letters and their corresponding responses
are carefully preserved for future generations in the official
records of the Fair and it didn't matter whether one was a school
child, housewife or important politician. It appears every letter
was kept and carefully cataloged for posterity. While sitting
there reading these letters I often wondered if these people
were still alive and if so would they even remember the letter
they had written so many years before? It was obvious that many
people had given some very careful thought to their ideas, as
quite a few of the letters went into great detail as to what
they thought the Fair Corporation should or should not do.
What I also discovered is that while the
Fair was still under construction, serious thought was being
given to what structures would be kept after the Fair. As early
as the later part of 1963 the Fair Corporation, Parks Department
and the City of New York were carefully evaluating for retention
many structures even while they were still under construction.
During much of 1964 and throughout all of 1965 Fair officials
explored, pursued and discarded many ideas before they finalized
their master plan.
Some of the facts that I discovered are
very interesting indeed as they illustrate what lengths the Fair
Corporation had to maneuver around the borough, city, state and
federal authorities as they went about the business of deciding
what structures would be incorporated into the post-Fair park.
Many documents contain handwritten notes as to what various Fair
officials thought about each idea and how to pursue it if they
believed that it warranted further examination. So here for review
and amusement is what I found after pouring through almost ten
boxes of some very dusty old records:
Bell System
- Fair officials felt very strongly that the lower portion of
the Bell Pavilion was note-worthy enough to be retained. The
removal of the upper portion of the building was a big issue
to overcome as well as how to relocate the heating and air conditioning
equipment to the remaining portion of the building after the
Rendering of the Bell System exhibit
as it may appear if converted for post-Fair use. The lower portion
of the building would be an indoor recreation center with court
games, dance floors, meeting rooms, and a small theatre for dramatics
and dancing.
SOURCE: NY World's
Fair Corp. Publication "The Fair in 1965"
While these issues were being hashed out
there was also much discussion through the latter part of 1963
and well into 1964 amongst senior Fair officials as to what to
do with this structure once it was retained. Those
ideas ranged from table tennis and ping-pong to something as
mundane as storage. A number of memos concerned how to preserve
the site lines down the main axis of the Park. To solve this
problem serious consideration was given to covering the top of
the structure with approximately four feet of soil and a suitable
number of plantings to conceal the structure accordingly. Ultimately,
as with many of the proposals, this one died due to the fact
that the cost of converting the building to post-Fair use far
exceeded the $35,000 in funds that the Bell System was willing
to contribute from its demolition budget.
Coca Cola
- During 1963, while the Coca-Cola Pavilion was still under construction,
the Fair Corporation seriously lobbied Coke to make the carillon
a permanent part of the post-Fair park. It seems that the 1939-1940
Fair had missed a similar opportunity to retain a carillon from
that Fair and this Fair's management did not want to make the
same mistake. Unfortunately, by the time the Fair Corporation
had evaluated what design changes needed to be made to the carillon
tower to make it permanent, and then agonized over the possibility
that Coke would not pay for it, they had once again missed the
opportunity. By the time Fair officials finally contacted the
Coca-Cola Company the tower foundation was already in place and,
at this late date, would have been prohibitively expensive to
rip out and redo to the Fair Corporation's revised specifications.
More importantly though, in their letter responding to Fair officials,
the Coke representative in New York stated that the carillon
had already been promised for a "civic project in the Atlanta
area" (it ultimately ended up at Stone Mountain outside
of Atlanta where it still resides to this day).
- As early as 1964 this building was given a lot of consideration
for retention after the Fair. Fair officials were so serious
about this that they spent the considerable sum of $22,000 to
evaluate its potential use as a marionette theatre after the
Fair to replace the aging theatre in Central Park. The records
contain much correspondence back and forth between Fair officials,
their engineering consultants and the Parks Department. Finally,
in early 1965, the plans, cost estimates and requests for building
code variances were submitted to the New York City Building Department.
Unfortunately though, city officials disagreed with the Fair
Corporation's cost estimates and the steps necessary to bring
the structure up to code. At this point the Fair Corporation
gave up on the proposal and moved on to more pressing matters,
thus consigning this building to the scrap heap.
Equitable Life
- Early in the evaluation stage the idea of retaining this simple
structure was proposed by certain Fair officials. As with many
ideas, there were people for and against it. The group advocating
retention proposed using the structure as a covered performance
area or an outdoor checkers court or bocce court as well as simply
a shelter during inclement weather. The opponents, namely Martin
Stone, felt that "lowering the bar" for this pavilion
would open the gates to many other similar requests that would
infringe on the already designated use of picnic area on the
post-Fair master plan. But this idea was not going to go away
as easily as with some of the others due to the fact that the
cost of upgrading the structure to code was not an issue. It
seems that Equitable had gone to great pains to build their pavilion
in compliance with New York City building codes and not the more
lenient and temporary New York World's Fair building code. To
further their cause, none other than the Equitable's own engineer,
as well as the prestigious architectural firm of Skidmoore, Owings
and Merrill, wrote to Fair officials attesting to this fact and
backed their statements up with the data necessary to authenticate
their claim. If that wasn't enough, and to make the offer even
more enticing, Equitable indicated to the Fair Corporation that
they would consider it an honor if their pavilion was accepted
for retention after the Fair and as such would gladly pay the
small amount necessary to convert the building to post-Fair use
in return for a small plaque being placed on the site indicating
that it was a gift of the company. Now the Fair was in a real
quandary about what to do. Unfortunately a case of aesthetics
ultimately decided the building's fate since the powers-that-be
decided that this structure was just too ugly to warrant its
retention after the Fair and thus, early in the process, was
marked for ultimate demolition.
Formica World's Fair House - This by far was the smallest file in the corporate
records. It contained one letter dated 1965 from Formica officials
proposing retention of their "pavilion" and a brief
handwritten response from a Fair official stating briefly but
succinctly "no way." The Fair was so amused by this
proposal that they didn't even see fit to send a written response
back to Formica officials. Word has it that some former Fair
officials are still laughing about this request even to this
- Contrary to what has previously been reported, according to
the Fair records, this building was actually demolished in the
early part of 1967 in conjunction with the return of the Park
to the City of New York that summer. Curious enough is the fact
that the records clearly indicate early on that the Fire Department
would take over this building after the Fair. To that end the
building was indeed turned over to the Fire Department in late
1965 by Greyhound, and Greyhound paid the City of New York the
sum of $37,000 as their portion of the conversion costs from
their demolition budget. At some point in 1966 the Fire Department
determined that, once again, the cost to upgrade the building
to bring it into compliance with New York City building codes
was more than it was worth. The records are silent as to why
the upgrade costs were not quantified early in the decision process
as was so well documented with most other structures considered.
Unfortunately they dragged their feet in notifying Fair officials
of this fact. And as such, by late 1966, Fair officials became
increasing concerned that this matter would not be resolved in
time for the Fair Corporation to avail themselves of the demolition
contractors already on site doing other work if the pavilion
should need to be torn down. To further complicate matters, during
the same period, someone in city government floated the idea
of using this building for some kind of poverty assistance program.
Needless to say Moses was not happy about this for he felt that
a city park was no place for such use. Finally, in early 1967,
all parties agreed that the building would be demolished and
the orders were issued to disconnect the utilities in preparation
for the wreckers to move in. It seems that in their rush to complete
the work by the re-dedication of the Park, the demolition company
retained to do the work caused some serious damage to the underground
electrical distribution system, even though Fair officials took
great pains to provide them with the necessary blueprints to
prevent this. Curiously, the record ends there and it was not
possible to tell who ended up paying for the necessary repairs
to the underground utilities.
- As with other exhibitor's, Fair officials tried to get Japan
to agree to a modification of their lease that would include
the removal and labeling of the stones that comprised the famous
stone wall of the pavilion for use in a Japanese meditation garden
at the end of the Fair. The response received from the Japanese
official responsible for the pavilion was quick and to the point.
While they appreciated the Fair's interest in this idea the answer
was no and that is were this idea ended. Case closed.
New York State
- Surprising enough the Fair records indicate that in 1966 the
State of New York and the City of New York "told" Fair
officials that this building was to be a "gift" to
the people of New York! The files contain no structural evaluations
and there was very little discussion amongst Fair officials about
this decision. This obviously was a very political issue and
even Robert Moses himself did not feel compelled to dispute this
decision and, as such, it was accepted as fact by Fair officials.
Rendering of the New York State
Pavilion, which may be altered and retained as a prominent feature
of Flushing Meadow Park after the Fair. The New York State buildings
would be used as a recreation center with emphasis on summer
SOURCE: NY World's
Fair Corp. Publication "The Fair in 1965"
At this point the Fair Corporation proceeded
with the small amount of work necessary to convert the building
for some kind of park use after they received assurances from
the state government that the necessary funds would be made available
to pay for the work.
United States Pavilion - This is where the records really get interesting.
By far there was more discussion and documentation about the
retention of this structure after the Fair than any other building
noted in the files. As early as 1963 Fair officials were adamant
about their desire not to see this building retained in the Park
after the Fair. At some point during 1964 it seems that the New
York Board of Education expressed a serious interest in the building
even though Moses once again expressed his view that a city park
was no place for a school. Once again proposals were made and
opinions voiced. The records clearly document that through much
of 1964 and well into 1965 many meetings were held where various
state and federal officials weighed in on this subject with no
clear decision as to the building's fate being made. At various
times in mid-1965 the idea of using the building for a presidential
library was proposed as well as a federal office building! It
doesn't seem that Moses objected to the library idea but he positively
had a fit over the office building idea! Looming as a
bigger issue now was the fact that the U.S. government had neglected
to pay for any of the electric and water service to the building
from the date the utilities were turned on back in 1963. By the
time the Fair Corporation began in earnest to pursue the government
for payment of the bill it totaled almost $215,000! Bearing in
mind that the Fair was working to put its financial affairs in
order and it desperately needed as much money as it could lay
its hands on, Fair officials spent a considerable amount of time
corresponding back and forth with various government officials
about the validity of the bill and the need for it to be paid.
Each time pressing a little with one official and then another
as they worked their way up the government food chain. At one
point the government flat out told the Fair that they thought
the bill was excessive. Moses countered with a press release
slamming the government for failing to pay its bills in a timely
fashion and throwing in, for good measure, that the government
had also not allotted any money in its budget for demolition
of the building. Behind the scenes though, Fair officials countered
with numerous meter readings and various contract verbiage in
a desperate attempt to collect on this large bill. Finally, Fair
officials relented and reduced the bill to approximately $197,000
which the government finally paid in October, 1965 just as the
Fair was preparing to close its gates. The government's correspondence
during this period indicate that $125,000 was budgeted for utilities
and that $72,000 would need to be transferred from the demolition
reserve fund to pay the agreed amount. While this dispute was
being worked out it seems that the Board of Education lost interest
in the building, once again due to the high cost of upgrading
the structure to then current building codes. An earlier study
had estimated the total cost of conversion at $3,761,000. By
this time it seems that whatever remaining demolition funds the
U.S. government had set aside for this purpose were no longer
available. Possibly this was due in large part to under budgeting
and the belief on the government's part that maybe, somehow,
water and electric were free for them at the Fair! As such (as
would be the case with the New York State pavilion) in January
1966 the people of New York got another unexpected "gift,"
this time courtesy of the federal government, with control of
the building being turned over to the Parks Department in September,
1966. It is at this point that the Fair Corporation simply washed
their hands of any responsibility or involvement with the building
even though at the time they were still very actively involved
and in control of the rest of the Park as they proceeded with
the final phases of the restoration work. As a side note to this
issue as late as mid-1967 Sam Lefrak, the developer of Lefrak
city in Queens, proposed creating an art museum in the building
and was aggressively pursuing this plan of action in hopes of
having the museum ready for the re-dedication of the Park in
June of that same year. Obviously nothing ever came of his idea
and, as such, the building was to sit vacant until the city finally
put this once magnificent structure out of its misery and demolished
it in the mid-1970's.
World of Food
- As far as the Fair-going public was concerned, this pavilion
never existed. To the Fair Corporation, it represented a demolition
and a legal challenge of a different sort since ground was broken
and steel work erected right at the main doorstep of the Fair.
As can be expected there was much litigation involved as it relates
to the demise of this exhibit and what claims the Fair Corporation
had against its organizers. What has been reported in the past,
that Fair officials had the steel work torn down and buried on
the site, is only partially correct. While it is true that the
Fair Corporation did tear the steel work down and seed the plot,
they also realized that the steel did have some salvage value
and until all litigation was settled it might be in the best
interest of the Fair to preserve it. As such the Fair Corporation
paid close to $3,000 to have it removed and stored in an unknown
location for almost a year. At some point in mid-1965 it was
moved to a nearby storage yard in preparation for its sale. During
this period the storage yard billed the Fair Corporation $450
a month for storage fees and kept pressing the Fair as to its
intentions for the steel. In early September, 1965, once all
litigation had been settled, it was finally sold for scrap for
the huge sum of approximately $8,300 never to be heard from again.
Some other minor tidbits I was able to
glean from the records involving the post-Fair period were also
amusing. They included the following:
- As the Fair Corporation started to reduce
staff and turn over various office space to the Parks Department
in mid-1967 they became very cramped in the way of working space.
Most employees competed for space along with records as well
as excess furniture and fixtures.
- Fair officials were very interested in
moving the official model of the Fair back from the American
Express Pavilion after the Fair's run ended. They even went as
far as getting bids from Lester & Associates for the move
and reinstallation in the Administration Building. At the time
they requested the bids they were considering keeping the model
as is with the Fair buildings shown, or modifying the
model to reflect how the Park would look after the Fair. Cost
estimates for this work were in the 15 to 20 thousand dollar
range at the time. It appears that the Fair Corporation ultimately
gave up on this idea due to their concern that the Parks Department
probably would not adequately maintain the large model and, that
in ten years time, it would most likely be ready for the scrap
- Newbold Morris, the Parks Commissioner
at the time, wanted to hold an international competition to come
up with a master plan for Flushing Meadow Park; the most incredible
part of which included an idea to demolish every existing structure
in the Park including the Unisphere! Needless to say Robert
Moses was not very happy about this plan and presented him with
some hard facts and figures that detailed the millions of dollars
spent in restoring the Park up to that point. Obviously, this
idea died a quick and just death for the records don't indicate
anything else from Mr. Morris after Moses sent him this letter.
- Fair officials received many unsolicited
requests from the public to alternately make the Fair grounds
a university, an east coast Disneyland or a trade Fair utilizing
the existing Fair structures. Once again Fair officials went
to great pains to respond to each one by pointing out that most,
if not all of, the buildings were of temporary nature and as
such could not be retained. Additionally the lease with the city
prevented such use of the land. In those same letters these individuals
also voiced how much they had really enjoyed the Fair and were
sorry to see it go.
- Close to the end of the Fair many ordinary
citizens wrote to the Fair imploring officials to keep the Fair
open past its scheduled closing date. Needless to say they all
received a short but polite response telling them that this was
not possible and thus, on October 17, 1965, one of the greatest
expositions ever held passed into history as well as the hearts
and minds of many who attended it.
Story ©
Copyright 2005, Craig Bavaro, All Rights Reserved
- Craig is an avid collector
of the 1964/1965 New York World's Fair with an emphasis on the
many items published by and for the World's Fair Corporation.
He resides today in sunny California and works as an executive
in the Mortgage Finance Industry.
- You might also wish to explore
Craig's excellent memoir titled A World's Fair Odyssey & An Afternoon of Delight
on Flushing Meadow Park as it was in the mid 1970s. You can contact
Craig via email.