1964 & 1965 Official Guidebook & Souvenir Map Entries

The description of this exhibit from the 1964 Official Guide Book

Cover- 1964 Guidebook

The description of this exhibit from the 1965 Official Guide Book

Cover - 1965 Guidebook

The location of this exhibit on the 1964 Official Souvenir Map

Cover - 1964 Official Souvenir Map

The story of the nation's and the world's phenomenal population growth and changes is depicted in several imposing exhibits. Beneath a giant tabulator which keeps an up-to-the-minute tally of the nation's total population, lights flash on a 45-foot-wide map - the Demograph - to indicate births and deaths as they occur in each state. World population distribution and totals are shown on another map and counter. These displays are housed in an open concrete pavilion. A two-way grandstand offers a view of the exhibits on one side; the other side faces the Pool of Industry with its fountains and nightly displays of fireworks.

* Admission: free.

OUR CHANGING POPULATION. The Demograph is studded with electronically controlled lights that indicate not only births and deaths but also age and sex distributions, the trend toward metropolitan areas, and rates of future growth in the Untied States. Hanging above the map is the giant counter, which dramatizes the growth of the total U.S. population at the rate of one person every 11 seconds - by displaying the current figure in numbers more than six feet high.
THE WORLD EXPLOSION. Constantly rising totals on the world counter reflect the phenomenal speed at which the earth's population of more than three billion is increasing (at a rate of about two persons a second). An accompanying map shows the distribution of the world population.
INTERPRETING THE FIGURES. A narrator explains the significance of population growth and distribution in the coming years. Phones installed along the sides of the pavilion provide facts about the population of the United States in specific areas. Earphones near the map of the world furnish similar information on a global scale in a variety of foreign languages.


A huge tabulator flashes the exact U.S. population every 12 seconds; displays chart population trends around the world.

The Demograph counter, a 44-foot long scoreboard with electric numerals six feet high, keeps an up-to-the-minute tally of the number of people in the nation. Multi-colored lights on a large map indicate births and deaths by state.

POPULATION EXPLOSION. Other displays keep up with age and sex distribution, mobility patterns and predictions of growth in each of the 50 states. World population totals are shown on a separate map and counter connected to multilingual telephones.

ΒΆ Admission: free.