- "World's Fair Terminal"
- Mr. Edwin Smith
- Eastern Air Lines, Inc.
- 10 Rockefeller Plaza
- New York 20, New York
- JU 6-4500
- August 19, 1963
- Free
- Block 49; Lot 4
- Transporatation Area
- 13,622 sq. ft.
- Becker & Becker Assoc.
- 375 Park Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- PL 9-1678
- V. R. H. Construction Co.
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The Eastern Air Lines exhibit will take the form of a "World's Fair Terminal". This terminal will serve as a station for bus shuttle service to link the Fair with Eastern's highly successful non-reservation pay-on-board Air-Shuttle service, with flights every hour on the hour at La Guardia Airport, to and from both Boston and Washington.
- The special Bus-Shuttle service will also be linked to Eastern's operations at the New York International Airport, Idlewild, orginating or teminating points for 134 direct daily flights to and from 32 airports serving 39 cities in 17 states, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, with connections to many points in both North and South America.
- In addition, to serving as one of the nine official entrances to the Fair, the terminal will provide an air-conditioned lounge, a waiting room and a ticket and information counter at which air travel may be purchased to any part of the free world, plus other air travel services.
Eastern Air Lines
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965