- Eastman Kodak Exhibit
- Mr. L.V. Burrows
- Eastman Kodak Company
- 343 State Street
- Rochester 4,, New York
- 716 LO 2-6000
- Mr. Larry Johnson
- J. Walter Thompson Co.
- 420 Lexington Avenue
- New York 17, New York
- MU 6-7000
- September 19, 1961
- Block 19; Lot 3
- Industrial Area
- 69,497 sq. ft.
- Kahn & Jacobs
- 2 Park Avenue
- New York 17, New York
- OR 9-3932
- Will Burton, Inc.
- 132 East 58th Street
- New York 22, New York
- PL 5-0220
- George A. Fuller
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The theme of the Eastman Kodak Exhibit is the "universality
of photography as an international language".
- Exterior The pavilion will be a unique architectural
showcase 363 feet long and topped by an 80 foot tower. The tower
will contain five color prints 30 feet by 36 feet which will
be visible both day and night. The floating carpet concrete roof
with gently sloping walkways, gardens and fountains will be an
attractive setting for camera enthusiasts who wish to photograph
their family and friends.
- Interior The pavilion will contain two theatres. The
visitor will walk into a huge, circular theatre and see an exploration
into the unusual wonders of the world captured by the camera.
This theatre will accommodate 700 people at one time or 35,000
during an average day. The smaller theatre will be used for lively
audio-visual demonstrations of products by Kodak and its subsidiary
companies in chemical, textile and fashion fields.
- New audio-visual techniques will be used throughout the building
and in the 26 different exhibit areas. The pavilion will communicate
photography's ability to measure and document scientific progress,
and industry's growing use of photography as an ingenious and
trustworthy production tool. Photography information will be
provided by qualified personnel.
Eastman Kodak Company
Source: NY World's
Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965