
- This pavilion, sponsored by The American Association of Retired Persons and the National Retired Teachers Association, is a grouping of galleries, gardens and exhibits devoted in large part to the secrets of successful and useful retirement.
- * Admission: free.
- PAINTINGS AND PICTURES. The pavilion offers several special visual attractions. Panoramic views of the fairgrounds are seen in a darkened room by means of the ancient camera obscura process - a rotating mirror and a lens pick up and project scenes from outdoors. Six paintings on the pleasures of leisure by the meticulous Danish artist Kurt Ard are on display in a gallery. A large sundial at the pavilion entrance is surrounded by benches and flowers, providing a pleasant atmosphere for relaxation and contemplation.
- ORGANIZATIONS AT WORK. In six exhibits the NRTA (an organization of retired teachers) and AARP (whose rolls are open to any person over 55) describe programs for members that include low-cost medical insurance and drugs, educational and cultural opportunities and tours around the world. Members of the two organizations who register with the pavilion may win free trips.

- Older visitors are offered hospitality, a patio to relax in and help in planning their Fair tour.
- In "Patio 55," open to anyone 55 or older, refreshments are served without charge between 2 and 5 p.m., and there are special events and talks on aging and retirement. The pavilion's sponsors, the American association of Retired Persons and the National Retired Teachers Association, illustrate health, travel and cultural programs of special benefit to older people.
¶ Admission: free.