Cinema '76: Illustrated Transcript with Audio

That way to John Glover

This way to Baron Von Steuben

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"George Washington"
Source: Ray Dashner Archives 2007 All Rights Reserved
That way to John Glover

This way to Baron Von Steuben

George Washington Transparancy
He was more than a picture on a postage stamp
He was more than a face on a dollar bill.
He was more than the subject of a Gilbert Stuart
Not a man standing stiff, not a man standing still,
But a man of action with a job that must be done.
General George ... General George ...
He led the British a merry chase...
New York, New Jersey, all over the place.
With not enough men to fight,
He had to stay in flight.
Cornwallis said, "We'll bag the fox;
Surround him, hound him into a box."
But that Britisher didn't know
His slyly, wiley foe.
He was more than a picture on a postage stamp
He was more than a face on a dollar bill.
He was more than the subject of a Gilbert Stuart
Not a man standing stiff, not a man standing still,
But a man of action with a job that must be done.
General George ... General George ...
He knew in order to win the race
He'd have to pick the time and place
When the odds were favoring him,
But for quite a while they were dim.
Retreat, retreat was like a curse.
Defeat, defeat would be even worse.
So he had to bide his time,
Until his time was prime.
George Washington Transparancy
George Washington Transparancy
He was more than a picture on a postage stamp
He was more than a face on a dollar bill.
He was more than the subject of a Gilbert Stuart
Not a man standing stiff, not a man standing still,
But a man of action with a job that must be done.
General George ... General George ...
The Spring of 1781,
These were the words of Washington:
"Enough of turning back!
It's time that we attack!"
At Yorktown when it was time to meet,
Cornwallis suffered complete defeat;
And ever since then ...
We've not retreated again!
He was more than a picture on a postage stamp
He was more than a face on a dollar bill.
He was more than the subject of a Gilbert Stuart
Not a man standing stiff, not a man standing still,
But a man of action with a war that must be won.
General George ... General George ...